Publications & Reports
Here you can access and download The Wheel's reports and publications, including factsheets and special briefings.
No advocacy campaign is effective without robust evidence to support it. Before deciding to advocate, lobby or campaign publicly, you will need to gather the information that supports your case.
How do community, voluntary and charitable organisations conduct and commission research?
- Quantitative and qualitative research conducted in-house
- Commissioning a third party to carry out a piece of research
- Partnering with universities.
The Wheel is in partnership with the Irish Research Council and is involved in the Campus Engage initiative, operated by the Irish Universities of Ireland Association.
Both organisations facilitate and promote collaboration between Higher Education Institutes and civil society organisations.
Good Practice Resources: Funding & Finance
Good Practice Resources: Governance, Risk and Management
Good Practice Resources: Sustainability
See also: Annual Reports
Member Survey Reports
Below you will find the full reports of our most recent member surveys.

Member Survey Report - 2021

Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis: Survey Report - September 2020
Research Reports
We publish a range of research and analysis reports that help policy-makers, academics, funders, the media and people in the voluntary sector. These reports serve to increase understanding about how the sector works, how impact and change happens and how active citizenship lies at the root of everything the sector is and stands for.
We offer these freely in the public domain and welcome your feedback.
Please note: all of the following reports / guides should be of interest to anyone working in the Irish nonprofit space. As some of them were produced a number of years ago, however, you will need to ensure that you are also staying on top of more recent developments across the sector as well.
This report presents the findings of an exploratory research study commissioned by The Wheel and supported by the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA), undertaken to survey volunteers and staff in the community and voluntary sector on the level and nature of unmet literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy needs in the sector. Funded by the Adult Literacy for Life Office.
Published in 2024.
This report published by the economic and social think-thank, TASC, in conjunction with The Wheel, says urgent government action is required to ‘relieve staffing pressure and avoid further closure of services'.
The report examines staffing, demand for services and funding among hundreds of Section 39, 10, and 56 organisations. These charities receive contracts from the state to deliver essential public services countrywide in diverse areas like health, disability, family support, children, care of older people, homelessness and addiction.
The Participating People report, in collaboration with Carnegie UK Trust, is the culmination of a series of consultations known as The People's Conversation, which examined the barriers to actively participating in society in Ireland. This project has seen hundreds of people take part in engaged discussions about what needs to change to create a truly inclusive and participative Ireland, and has resulted in the publication of four influential reports: Citizens Rising, Money Matters, A Two-Way Street and Powering Civil Society.
This final report draws together the thinking from all of this work and presents a blueprint of actions to support a more inclusive Ireland with a vision for a more enabling state. It focuses on active citizenship and how citizens can proactively help to shape the society around them. The report comes at a time where active participation is more vital than ever. In recent years in particular, we have seen the power of ordinary people shaping the society we live in.
Read about the report launch here.
Examines the role of the community and voluntary sector as a vehicle for active citizenship. Published in 2018.
(One of three ‘Enabling Citizens’ publications, in association with the Carnegie (UK) Trust as part of the Peoples Conversations project 2015 to date.)
Explores how to make Ireland a place that involves people more. (The final report of the Peoples Conversation project, in association with Carnegie (UK) Trust). 2015.
Published in 2015.
Examines the economic barriers to active citizenship and how to over-come them. Published in 2018.
(One of three ‘Enabling Citizens’ publications, in association with the Carnegie (UK) Trust as part of the Peoples Conversations project 2015 to date.)
Explores the ‘missing piece’ in the citizen-participation narrative, namely the role of the public servant. Published in 2018.
(One of three ‘Enabling Citizens’ publications, in association with the Carnegie (UK) Trust as part of the Peoples Conversations project 2015 to date.)
This significant report for the nonprofit sector in Ireland contains the results of new and extensive qualitative research into the training and support needs of the sector.
This landmark study, carried out by Indecon on behalf of The Wheel, quantifies for the first time the levels of training and upskilling undertaken by people in the nonprofit sector – paid and unpaid.
Valuing the community and voluntary approach to human, social and community services. Published in 2016.
An executive summary of the ‘Let’s Commission for Communities’ report. Published in 2016.
This report represents the culmination of a 2-year project that aimed to bring the European dimension alive in our national discourse and to encourage and enable greater engagement between citizens and the European Parliament. Published in 2018.
This report provided badly needed information about the scale and scope of Ireland’s nonprofit sector. For current data on Ireland’s nonprofit sector see:
Published in 2014.
Social Enterprise
Since 2009 we have worked to advance policies which support social enterprise in Ireland. As we earn a significant portion of our own organisational funding through trading, The Wheel can also be understood as a social enterprise, as well as a charity. Consequently, we understand and support those charities and nonprofits, which like us in The Wheel, are adopting social enterprise methods to achieve their organisation's impact.
In our representative work in this area, we work as one of the founding partners of a coalition of 12 organisations and key stakeholders, called the Social Enterprise Taskforce (SETF). Formed in 2009 this coalition has provided an effective voice promoting the development of Social Enterprise in Ireland.
These publications, which we have published through the SETF, help to aid understanding for and appreciation of social enterprise in Ireland.
This policy paper is a rallying call for those who believe that we must move urgently towards an economy that works for people and the planet and that social enterprise is at the heart of this.
This is the submission made by the SETF to Forfás on the potential of social enterprise in Ireland for jobs creation. Published in 2012.
This publication describes the work done by The Wheel (and others) as part of the SETF.. Published 2012.
Good Practice Resources: Funding and Finances
A series of good practice guides and reports, covering aspects of funding your organisation, as well as managing your finances.
A funding handbook for community-led groups, produced in partnership with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). Published in 2016.
The Wheel's guide to the Irish fundraising landscape, providing a wealth of information about the latest and most innovative methods of income generation. Published in 2015.
An overview of the EU funding landscape and what Irish nonprofits can do to maximise their chances of accessing EU funding programmes. Published in 2015.
Good Practice Resource: Governance, Risk and Management
A series of good practice guides providing an in-depth examination of how to effectively govern your organisation, how to analyse and manage risk for your nonprofit, as well as a wide array of management-related issues and concerns.
Please note the publication date for each of the following guides. Note that some information contained in the older guides - particularly in relation to regulation and legal requirements - may be out of date.
However, we believe that the core advice is as relevant as ever in this era of increased transparency, governance and regulation, and these publications continue to be informative and useful resources for managing our organisations.
Produced in partnership with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). Published in 2016.
A Risk Management Good Practice Guide. Published in 2013.
A Collaboration Good Practice Guide. Published in 2012.
An Impact & Outcomes Good Practice Guide. Published in 2012.
A Human Resources (HR) Good Practice Guide. Published in 2010.
An Introductory Good Practice Guide from The Wheel. Published in 2012.
Good Practice Resources: Sustainability

Sustainable Toolkit
We have developed an online toolkit to support local communities across Ireland to awaken awareness, deepen understanding and activate participation in sustainable development with a view to living better by using less.
Visit now.
See too: Engagement with PPNs - Effective Consultation for Sustainable Communities |
Pay & Benefit Surveys
Produced by the Community Foundation for Ireland, the following survey reports aim to assist those seeking to have a reference point for pay and benefits within the sector.
Working on the Cheap - Assessing the Need for Pay Restoration to Ensure Sustainable Services
(July 2023)
The 2023 latest Gender Pay Gap report presents a detailed analysis of the latest data on the gender pay gap in community and voluntary organisations, charities, and social enterprises.
The report also provides an enhanced volume of information when compared with previous reports. Useful for senior managers and HR staff, as well as for other staff members who are concerned about how our sector is faring in terms of equality and progress.
The report used to present comparator rates of pay for the private sector is the IBEC Manufacturing & Wholesale Distribution Sectors Pay Survey, 2022. This report is useful for comparison purposes, because it represents a broad range of companies in the private sector.
The fifth edition of the National Guide to Pay and Benefits in Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations is now available to read and download. Produced with the support of the Community Foundation for Ireland, this guide is the most comprehensive pay and benefits resource for the sector.
A report by the Community Foundation of Ireland and The Wheel on the gender pay gap for managers in the community, voluntary and charity sector.
An exploration of the gender pay gap for managers in Voluntary, Community & Charitable Organisations. March 2018.
A case study in the Community, Voluntary and Charities Sector. June 2018.
The 4th edition of the National Guide to Pay and Benefits in Community, Voluntary and Charitable organisations in Ireland, published in 2019.
The 3rd edition of the National Guide to Pay and Benefits in Community, Voluntary and Charitable organisations in Ireland, published in 2017.
The 2nd edition of the National Guide to Pay and Benefits in Community, Voluntary and Charitable organisations in Ireland, published in 2015.
Read also this briefing note comparing 2017 and 2015 reports.
The 1st edition of the survey was launched in 2008 by The Wheel.
The policy and advocacy work we undertake on behalf of our members covers a broad range of areas. Below are some of the submissions we have made to government departments and agencies in recent years.
DHLGH Statement of Strategy - Submission by The Wheel
The Cost of Living Crisis in Ireland: Comments from The Wheel
Briefing Note - Charities (Amendment) Bill 2023
National Reform Programme and European Semester (Mar 24)
Submission for the National Payments Strategy (Feb 24)
Submission for the National Social Enterprise Policy (Jan 24)
Charities (Amendment) Bill 2023 - Joint Submission by The Wheel, Cii, & MHC
Central Statistics Office (CSO) Census 2027
Co-operative Societies Bill 2022
Department of Further Education, Research, Innovation and Science Statement of Strategy
Department of Social Protection Statement of Strategy
Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) Review
National Lottery Funding Review
Classification of Registered Charities
National Implementation Plan for the SDGs
Classification of Registered Charities
Climate Action Plan 2021 Call for Evidence
Commission on Taxation and Welfare Review
Draft National Risk Assessment
Joint Committee on Social Protection, Community and Rural Development, and the Islands
Briefings & Factsheets
Download any of these resources which have been created to provide you with practical advice and briefings on specific focused areas that many of our members have questions on.
Note that the Charity Regulator’s website has an ever-increasing number of guidance notes and advice related to running charities which you should read and share among relevant board or staff members.

Civil Society:
Perspectives and Reflections
Inspired by our 20th anniversary (1999 - 2019), The Wheel has published a new collection of essays, papers and personal reflections which explores a variety of perspectives, experiences and issues related to civil society in Ireland and beyond.
The book, Civil Society: Perspectives and Reflections includes contributions from a number of key figures in civil society, including Dr Shana Cohen (Director of TASC), Dermot McCarthy, Dr. Fergal O'Ferral and Justin Kilcullen. The collection also includes a paper by The Wheel's founder, the late Dr. Mary Redmond. The paper, which was originally presented at the Céifin Conference in 1998, includes the seeds of ideas that would lead to the foundation of The Wheel in 1999.
The book is available in print and digital format (PDF).