Leadership Academy Breakfast Club!


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Leadership Academy Breakfast Club!

In our next Leadership Academy Breakfast Club we will be discussing the topic of Leadership & Technology.

Remember a time when you had to fax a letter to sign?  

When you had to put a stamp on an email? 

When you had to wear shoes to the office? 

Us neither... 

As technology and remote work embed in our lives now, how are we leading virtually? We all suspect AI will take our jobs but what will happen to our leaders? And our leadership styles? How is/will leadership change in a technological environment? 

Well we don’t know, but we found some people who do!

Attend this event and all shall be revealed...

How to register
  • You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.  
  • This event will take place on Zoom.  
  • Closed Captions can be enabled by participants.   
  • Please email matthew@wheel.ie if you have any special requirements.   

Book Here

Meet Our Speakers:

Sheen Horgan updated headshot

Sheena Horgan's accomplished career includes advising private, not-for-profit, public and international entities on governance, advocacy, transformation, communications and crises.  She was awarded the Women in Business not-for-profit CEO of the Year when at Drinkaware, and the charity was shortlisted for Good Governance and Market Research awards. At the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), her transformative stewardship as CEO of the professional body saw its membership increase to over 4,500 members and a strategic focus on EDI, climate & AI initiated.  As well as a high media profile her credits include the investigative radio documentary "Is Childhood Shrinking?" and the series "Meet The Grandparents".  Sheena’s advocacy for digital & media literacy, regulation and accountability led her to be invited onto the (global) Internet Commission’s Advisory Board and Scrutiny Committee, and to create Ireland's first media literacy programme for primary schools MediaWise. 

Colin Hughes headshot

Dr. Colin Hughes  is the Head of the Graduate Business School at TU Dublin. Colin is an experienced educational leader with a passion for providing engaging and impactful leadership education. Some of you may recognise Colin from Grow Remote where he delivered a keynote on Leadership and Trust in virtual environments.

Meet Your Facilitator:

Sharon headshot

Sharon Hughes is the Leadership Academy Manager in the Skills Team of The Wheel. Sharon has been involved in membership organisations for over 20 years. Before working for The Leadership Academy, she was C.E.O of a nonprofit. Her background is managing member Events and Communications. Sharon is a qualified Coach, is a member of the Teaching Council of Ireland and is currently studying Psychology. She is low-key obsessed with Leadership. If you are interested in learning more about the Leadership Academy or you have a great idea you would like to share, please email her at sharon@wheel.ie or feel free to connect with Sharon on LinkedIn. 

Brought to you by:

Govt of Ireland

Testimonials from previous attendees

For me personally, the benefits of the Breakfast Clubs are many, key are the value of think-time, the cross sectional networking and having a product to offer staff looking to consider upskilling – in this regard promoting the breakfast club internally in Trócaire, in particular to my own team, is very relevant to the area of continuous leadership learning and development. - K. Casey, Head of Community Engagement & Outreach, Trócaire

The Breakfast Club created a networking space that feels open to all leaders, future and established, so that we can meet and make connections. Sharon encourages the early career professionals in the room to be the leads for discussion and she connects people with such ease who may have been too shy to make an introduction before. I have found The Leadership Academy events extremely interesting and engaging, having enjoyed the variety of topics covered at the sessions and the space to network freely. I would encourage anyone who is thinking of attending a Leadership Academy breakfast to attend and get involved. - A. Ennis, former Recruitment Coordinator at 2into3 

The Leadership Academy is a wonderful initiative and space to foster leadership and personal growth for those of us working in the nonprofit sector. It is great to be able to not only share insights but also to learn and gain new insights from fellow participants at the events. I really enjoyed my involvement as a panellist on a Leadership Academy event, which was wonderfully organised by Sharon with great support from her colleagues in The Wheel. Would highly recommend getting involved and responding positively if asked to be a speaker, panellist or facilitator at one of the Academy events. Ní neart go chur le chéile – There is no strength without unity. - D. O’Corrbuí, CEO Carmichael

Who should attend

The Leadership Academy Breakfast Clubs are open to anyone working in the community, voluntary charity or social enterprise space, in any role, at any level.  

They are a space to connect with like-minded people and hear from others about their leadership journeys and reflections. They are free, you just have to register to attend.