Una Coates, Self-Advocacy, and International Day of Down Syndrome 2025

Posted on
21 Mar 2025
by Guillaume Jacquinot
A woman with blond hair and glasses in a violet fleece top looking to camera standing in front of a lawn and hedges.

On this International Day of Down Syndrome, The Wheel wants to pay tribute to a brilliant self-advocate, Una Coates. Una's a real go-getter, dedicating much of her time to Down Syndrome Ireland, Mental Health Ireland, and Inclusion Ireland. She's part of the National Advisory Council, making sure the voices of adults with Down syndrome are heard within Down Syndrome Ireland. 

Una emphasises the importance of representation and of everyone having their say. As she puts it, "Some people don't have a voice and can't really stand up for themselves or speak up, so that's why we come together." That's her take on self-advocacy, a term you hear a lot in the disability sector, describing how people with intellectual disabilities are taking back control over their lives and decisions. 

Among her many achievements, Una has studied at Trinity College and UCD, taken part in the Special Olympics, spoken to many TDs in the Mansion House, appeared on RTE News, and given an opening statement on self-advocacy in the Oireachtas. She has most definitely made her mark. A committed supporter of Mental Health Ireland, promoting mental health and well-being, she reminds us that "It is important to encourage other people to know what mental health means."

A woman with blind hair and glasses being interviewed in a national news studio by another woman with dark hair in a dark purple dress.

Una's keen on getting involved in the community: "Charities give a chance to people to get out, learn about new things, to be a leader and promote leadership." Her advice for anyone wanting to get stuck in is simple: "Help out people around you, it is important to care and show support and to interact with people. We need this at the moment." 

When asked how Ireland could be better for disabled people, she's straight to the point: "I would like to have better transport for people in wheelchairs. It should be easier to have access to a GP. There are not enough jobs for disabled people, we need more of them. It is really hard to get a house in Ireland, I have been on the waiting list for social housing for many years, so we need more houses too." 

Una Coates is an inspiration, a true champion for change. Her dedication to empowering others and her clear views on disability rights make her a force to be reckoned with.