Case Study: Safe Ireland (2021-2023)

Safe Ireland, led by Safe Ireland National Social Change Agency

The Training Network gathered 34 members with 5 additional domestic violence services post Training Needs Analysis & commencement.

On securing Training Links funding, Safe Ireland delivered extensive training to the Domestic Violence sector between October 2021-March 2023. Training covered 21 distinct topics under the following programme priority areas: 

  • Fast-tracking digital transformation across all facets of organisational functioning 
  • Enhancing the leadership and management skills to increase organisational impact, including strong governance, well-formed strategy, and agile and effective management and planning.
  • Achieving high-quality, impactful, consistent and responsive services, demonstrating impact, and communicating that effectively. 
  • Upskilling and reskilling to successfully accommodate the changes necessary to ensure safe working environments.

In total the training delivered numbered 84 individual training sessions totalling 275 hours of training. Individuals receiving training numbered 386 which rose to 1314 participants when multiple course attendances were factored in.


Watch the video below to know more about the activity and impact of the Training Network!