CSR Resources

The most progressive companies are strategic in their support of the voluntary and community sector. Many have established or are establishing their own Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy.

Even the government promotes CSR these days, although you might not have known that, and has a CSR hub for that very purpose www.csrhub.ie along with a national strategy Towards Responsible Business’ Ireland’s National Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility 2017-2020

The department also undertook an Indicative Baseline Assessment of Corporate Social Responsibility in Ireland to inform its national CSR plan and there are stakeholder forums who inform and oversee the plan while the hub is awash with links, articles and resources relating to CSR: http://csrtool.csrhub.ie  

Also Chambers and ISME provide a lot of information to corporates and SMEs in relation to CSR through www.chambers.ie/policy/csr  and www.isme.ie/advice/corporate-social-responsibility-csr

Business in The Community are always seeking community and voluntary groups to partner with business through staff volunteering and practical help. You can contact Shane Mulchrone, Community Engagement Specialist on 01-874 7432 or by email smulchrone@bitc.ie.

There also was, for a brief while, a CSR directory produced on an annual basis that gave people contacts for the CSR personnel in the top 1,000 Irish companies. While not produced since 2015 below are the historical links to all previous versions of the directory produced.