Election to The Wheel's Board in 2024

If you are interested in playing a leadership role that will have an impact across the whole charity and community sector, then getting nominated to serve on The Wheel’s Board of Trustees could be just what you are looking for. 

Two Board members will be elected from amongst our Full Membership in 2024. If you think you could be that person, or if you know a person who you think is suitable, download the nomination form below and return to our Governance & Compliance Manager, Jon McBride, jon@wheel.ie, before 1pm on Friday 5 April 2024

Download Nomination Form 

Responsibilities of The Wheel’s Board Members:

  1. Commitment to the success of The Wheel and support for its values. 
  2. Attendance at all Board meetings: usually five in-person meetings per year.  
  3. Board members serve in a minimum of one board subcommittee. Subcommittees meet between three and five times per year. 
  4. Strategic development. 
  5. Ensuring our activities are consistent with The Wheel’s vision, core values and strategy. 
  6. Representing the interests of the wider community and voluntary sector  
  7. To act in the best interests of The Wheel. 
  8. To ensure the company operates in accordance with company & charity law and best practice, and complies with ongoing statutory & regulatory requirements.


  • Terms are four years, with options to run for subsequent re-election. 
  • All Board members will be Charity Trustees, and directors of the company limited by guarantee, Rotha
  • This is a volunteer position  

Criteria for Board Membership:

In order to be considered eligible for membership of the Board of The Wheel, nominees must: 

  1. Be part of a Full-Member organisation of The Wheel, where the membership fee is up to date and 
  2. Be proposed by a Full member of The Wheel from a different Full member organisation where the membership fee is also up to date.

The Wheel’s Board is committed to having maximum diversity of representation on the Board and sets specific criteria each election year. The criteria which the board will use to assess nominations for 2024 are:   

Candidates who

  1. Enhance the diversity in our current board composition

Candidates with

  1. Experience of serving on management committees/Boards in CVC sector
  2. Experience with social, economic and/or environmental policy
  3. Experience of conducting research, preferably including research ethics
  4. Lived experience of marginalised, migrant or new communities
  5. Engagement with The Wheel
  6. Involvement with Social Enterprise

Candidates whose organisations

  1. Raise significant income from fundraising
  2. Have a rural background or are based outside Dublin

It is not essential to meet all of the above criteria, but it is important to address each in your nomination as they will each be scored when short-listing candidates to proceed to election. 

All nominations may not be successful at proceeding to the next stage. The Board of The Wheel will make the final decision on approval of short-listing of candidates to proceed to full election.

Election Process 

  1. Opening of nominations process to members: Monday 11 March 2024.
  2. Nominations to be returned to jon@wheel.ie by 1pm on Friday 5 April 2024
  3. All nominees will be reviewed by the Governance & Nominations Subcommittee of the Board on 16 April 2024 and a list of short-listed eligible nominees compiled. The shortlist will then be recommend to the Board for approval at their meeting on 30 April 2024.
  4. If there are more eligible nominees than Board vacancies, an election will be held from amongst the full-membership. Details of how to vote will be circulated to The Wheel’s Full Members in May 2024, and ballots will be open for at least two weeks.  
  5. The results of the election will be publicly announced at our AGM which is expected to take place mid-June 2024  
  6. The conduct of the election is the responsibility of the Returning Officer who will rule on all issues relating to it. The Wheel’s Returning Officer in 2024 is the Company Secretary, Jonathan Buttner.