Early Years Lead


Job Type
An Cosán
Dublin 24
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Early Years Lead

An Cosán is currently seeking an enthusiastic Early Years Services Lead for our Early Years’ services in Cabra, Whitehall and Tallaght.

The Early Years Lead plays a critical part in the provision of high-quality Early Childhood Education and Care for our communities. The role requires an experienced and passionate early childhood professional with a commitment to ensuring the best quality care and education to provision of children and families. They will collaborate with their colleagues and other teams within the organisation to ensure outcomes and objectives for development of the service are realised.

About An Cosán

An Cosán (Irish for “The Path”) is Ireland’s largest community education organisation. The mission of An Cosán is to bring about social equality and an end to poverty through the provision of early years’ supports, wrap around family supports and counselling services, community bases adult education and empowering social enterprise development. An Cosán is at the forefront nationally in the provision of high quality and inclusive early childhood education and care. The Early Years team in An Cosán has grown significantly to provide seven services in total across Dublin city. There are three services in Tallaght, three in Cabra, and one in Whitehall. Services are consistently recognised by external evaluation for their achievement of quality standards and the use of Highscope curriculum.

Application Details

To apply for this role, please send a comprehensive, up-to-date CV and Cover Letter (max two pages) outlining your motivation for applying for this job, your skills, knowledge and experience under the competencies required for this role, and your salary expectation. The candidate should include the name and contact details of two referees who will be in a position to provide professional references for the candidate. Referees will not be contacted without the candidate’s expressed permission. Completed applications for this role should be sent by email to Anne Genockey, Deputy CEO at anne.genockey@ancosan.ie.