Adare Human Resource Management - Health & Safety
Health & Safety
See also: Adare HR Management Linea HR Resource
Organisations with excellent occupational health and safety records have incorporated a system of continuous improvement in their health and safety programmes.
This process allows them to meet organisational standards that reflect best practices for their industry. Regular occupational health and safety audits are key to such performance. In order to successfully establish due diligence, organisations must prove that programmes aimed at preventing injuries and risk from hazards were in place, implemented, and operating effectively.
Adare Human Resource Management offer a comprehensive range of Health, Safety and Welfare Retained Support Services, Consultancy Services and Training to organisations throughout Ireland and in conjunction with The Wheel, are providing PREFERENTIAL RATES to Wheel members for Health and Safety Services.
Health & Safety Services for Wheel members include:
As well as the development / review of your Health and Safety Statement, organisations have access to timely telephone, email and face to face advice and support as required on any Health, Safety and Welfare at workplace related issues, and supports include;
- Dedicated Experienced Chartered H&S Consultant as your key point of contact to support your organisation
- Safety Reviews, Safety Statement compilation with associated risk assessments and control measures
- Practical, solutions-focused Advice on all Health and Safety matters - providing a solution rather than just telling you what the legislation says
- Access to our Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Helpdesk to ensure that there is always a qualified expert available to answer your query
- Guidance and information as to best practice in relevant fields, e.g. lone working, manual handling, fire safety management etc.
- Support organisations to stay compliant with the Health & Safety legislation
- Organisations have access to timely telephone, email and face to face advice and support as required on any health and safety related issues.
- Keeping in touch & Keeping you in the know through our Occupational Health & Safety updates, our online OHS Webinars and our Health & Safety related Trainings on key topics
Offer to Members of The Wheel:
For further information and for Wheel members to avail of PREFERENTIAL RATES for Health and Safety Services, contact the Adare team on or call us on (01) 561 3594.
At Adare Human Resource Management we offer a comprehensive range of Health, Safety and Welfare consultancy services to organisations throughout Ireland including updating safety statements, risk assessments and control measures etc.
We work with organisations in the design, development and implementation of Safety, Health and Welfare solutions not only to ensure compliance with all the requirements of Health, Safety and Welfare legislation, but also to ensure best practices are implemented and being followed.
Safety Audit
A safety audit will contribute to improvements in the organisation’s health, safety and welfare management and reduce legal liabilities. The audit system evaluates a number of key elements including:
- Health and Safety Policy
- Organising for Health and Safety and Responsibility Structure
- Planning and Implementing
- Measuring Performance
- Reviewing Performance
The Onsite Risk Assessment
The Onsite Risk Assessment will assist with the updating / amending / developing the Safety Statement in line with health, safety and welfare legislation, organisational requirements and risk assessment.
Onsite Safety Compliance Review
- Call to site to review your safety arrangements including;
- Office safety review
- Safety Statement
- Emergency Arrangement
- Statutory Arrangements
- Risk Assessments
- Training
- The time onsite can vary between 2 and 5 hours
- Access to a senior person in charge, all locations within the building and your existing safety documentation will be required
In addition to examining the safety management system, the audit will also examine other key subject areas to check compliance with Health, Safety and Welfare legislation and organisational Policies. Typical examples of the subject areas covered by the audit are:
- Fire Safety Management
- Manual Handling
- Control of Hazardous Substances
- Risk Assessment/previous incidents
- Contractors
- First Aid Responder
- Emergency Planning
- Safety Inspections
- Safety Induction and Training
By carrying out these additional checks the audit will also confirm or amend the findings of the checks on the safety management system elements.
Our Health and Safety Support Services provide organisations with phone, email and onsite advice and support via our H&S Consultants throughout the year.
Offer to Members of The Wheel:
For further information and for Wheel members to avail of PREFERENTIAL RATES for Health and Safety Services, contact the Adare team on info@adarehrm.ieor call us on (01) 561 3594.
At Adare Human Resource Management we offer a comprehensive range of Health, Safety and Welfare training courses for organisations throughout Ireland. Our instructors are ex fire service officers and paramedics, Chartered IOSH and Member status of the Institute of Fire Engineers.
The Health & Safety related Training that is delivered by our Trainers at Adare Human Resource Management include:
- Manual Handling
- Patient/People Handling
- First Aid Responder
- First Aid Responder Refresher
- Cardiac First Responder (AED)
- Fire Safety Management
- Fire Warden Training
- Fire Extinguisher Training
- Evacuation Chair Training
- Abrasive Wheels Training
- Workplace Safety Representative Training
- Managing Safety Training
A descriptor on each of the training courses is available.
Offer to Members of The Wheel:
For further information and for Wheel members to avail of PREFERENTIAL RATES for Health and Safety Services, contact the Adare team on or call (01) 561 3594.