Alcohol Action Ireland
Alcohol Action Ireland was established in 2003 and is the national independent advocate for reducing alcohol harm.
We campaign for the burden of alcohol harm to be lifted from the individual, community and State, and have a strong track record in campaigning, advocacy, research and information provision.
Member Q&A
What is your goal?
Alcohol Action Ireland is the national independent advocate for reducing alcohol harm. Our vision is of an Ireland, free from alcohol harm. Our mission is to advocate to reduce alcohol harm. We campaign for the burden of alcohol harm to be lifted from the individual, community and State, and have a strong track record in campaigning, advocacy, research and information provision.
How have you been working towards it?
Since 2003.
How has being a member of The Wheel helped?
As a small NGO it has been very helpful to have access to the support of The Wheel, particularly in areas such as compliance with charity regulations. Courses and talks etc. on areas such as fundraising are especially helpful. The opportunity to meet other organisations working in the policy and advocacy area is also very useful as many of the issues around alcohol harm overlap with charities working in health related areas. We also appreciate the work of the Wheel in advocating at a senior level on issues of concern to charities.
How can people support you?
Following us on social media and re-posting messages calling for the implementation of policy measures such as the Public Health (Alcohol) Act is really useful. Taking these messages directly to public representatives through, emails, meetings etc are invaluable as they demonstrate the widespread strength of support for these public health measures. We also very much appreciate the financial support which we receive from individuals e.g., through fundraisers on Facebook or through our iDonate page. We have seen many times people organising such fundraisers in memory of a loved one who has died because of the impact of alcohol harm or in recognition of a painful family situation arising from alcohol. Any funds raised are used to advocate for the policy measures which have been demonstrated to reduce alcohol harm.
Do you have any success stories to share?
Alcohol Action Ireland worked over many years advocating for the passage of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018 - a series of proven alcohol control measures such as minimum unit pricing, restrictions on alcohol advertising and labelling of alcohol products with health warnings. A key part of this success was bringing together over 50 organisations and individuals to form the Alcohol Health Alliance Ireland who campaigned strongly to bring about the passage of the Act. Our work now continues to ensure the full implementation of the Act. We have also expanded our work into an initiative, Silent Voices, which aims to raise awareness of the issues around parental problem alcohol use. It is estimated that 200,000 children being brought up in homes impacted by alcohol harm and a further 400,000 adults are living with the legacy of this childhood trauma. Our work in this area has included the provision of an online platform where people can share their experiences, workshops and meetings with a range of organisations to help develop our manifesto of key strategic actions which are needed. High level of media coverage of this most hidden of issues.
Where can people find you on social media?
Facebook: Alcohol Action Ireland
Twitter: @AlcoholIreland