Cork Volunteer Centre
Cork Volunteer Centre provides a placement service, matching individuals who would like to volunteer, with non-profit organisations who involve volunteers in their activities. Advice and support is offered to both volunteers and non-profit organisations through a range of services including information, consultation, volunteer management training and Garda vetting administration.
Member Q&A
What is your goal?
Our goal is to support volunteers to find meaningful volunteering opportunities in nonprofit organisations across Cork city and county.
How have you been working towards it?
We increase access to volunteering opportunities by offering a support service to volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations. We increase awareness of volunteering by marketing and promotion of volunteering.
How has being a member of The Wheel helped?
Membership of The Wheel has been invaluable for us. We have attended training and networking events. We have used the information and support services and engaged in advocacy campaigns.
How can people support you?
We encourage nonprofit organisations in Cork to advertise volunteer roles with us and to avail of our training and supports. We encourage anyone interested in volunteering to register on our website. We ask that companies consider sponsoring our local awards ceremony.
Do you have any success stories to share?
Last year we hosted Cork Volunteer Awards virtually. it was a huge challenge for us but also a great success as it was vital to thank volunteers for all the hard work they do across Cork.
Where can people find you on social media?
Facebook: Cork Volunteer Centre
Twitter: @volunteercork