Dublin City FM
103.2 Dublin City FM aims to provide a special interest radio community service which stimulates, informs and entertains listeners in the greater Dublin area. Our strong blend of talk and music-based programming reflects a broad base of Dubliner’s concerns, interests and opinions. Programme themes and materials are sourced from local communities, special interest groups, local authorities and to a limited extent, national and international public service broadcasters, who reflect our core values and ethics.
Member Q&A
What is your goal?
To provide a wide and diverse radio programme schedule for listeners.
How has being a member of The Wheel helped?
It has been great with the various training sessions and workshops. Also the good advice the Wheel gives.
How can people support you?
By looking at our programme schedule and listening in to a programme they like (we broadcast 100). We can help organisations if they want to be interviewed or promoted. We also take on board advertising & sponsorship at a very competitive rates.
Do you have any success stories to share?
Quite a number of our previous members have gone on to work in National and commercial radio.
Where can people find you on social media?
Website: www.dublincityfm.ie
Facebook: dublincityfm
Instagram: @dublincityfm
Twitter: @dublincityfm
Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/dcfm-1032