Galway County Public Participation Network

Galway County PPN (Public Participation Network) has been established to enable people and community groups in Co Galway to have a say on issues that concern them. These Public Participation Networks (PPNs) are new structures for public engagement and participation in Local Government in each Local Authority area.

Member Q&A

What is your goal? 

Galway County Public Participation Network has been established to enable people and community groups in Co Galway to have a say on issues that concern them. These Public Participation Networks (PPNs) are new structures for public engagement and participation in Local Government in each Local Authority area.    The PPN is the mechanism through which the Local Authority links/engages with the broader community sector and are the representative voice of the community and voluntary, social inclusion and environmental sectors.     

How have you been working towards it? 

The main role of the PPN is to form a network bringing together all community and voluntary groups, social inclusion groups, and environmental interest groups. Information is shared and people can work together on policy matters.    The PPN also facilitates groups to nominate representatives to local authority policy making boards and committees including the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs). The Sports Partnership, Joint Policing Committee etc. 

How has being a member of The Wheel helped? 

Being a member of the Wheel has given us and our members' access to information, training, workshops and funding opportunities. It has helped us grow the PPN and provided us with great contacts, networks and training consultants. 

How can people support you? 

By offering training and info about charity regulations, committee and board meetings organizations and other supports for community groups. 

Where can people find you on social media? 


Twitter: @GalwayCoPPN    

Facebook: GalwayCountyPPN 

Galway PPN