IACAT Ireland
iacat is the accrediting body of creative arts therapists in Ireland and oversees the development and training of single modality MA courses in Art therapy, Dance Movement therapy, Dramatherapy and Music therapy. iacat offers CPD training to members and open days for the public to learn more about what creative arts therapies is about.
Member Q&A
What is your goal?
Vision: The Voice and presence of creative art therapies in Ireland. Mission: IACAT stays relevant to its members and the public by: Monitoring professional standards of members and training institutes Providing best practice by ensuring members adhere to a Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Supporting creative arts therapists within the island of Ireland to network, collaborate and promote their practice across modalities. IACAT also supports international cooperation and professional exchange. Promoting research and engagement through the IACAT academic peer-reviewed journal Polyphony an online platform. Promoting IACAT members to public and private institutions, agencies and government departments. Seeking to establish statutory registration for creative arts therapists alongside allied health professionals and advocate for fair pay and conditions. Providing an online profile of approved IACAT practicing therapists and supervisors for public information. Organising conferences, CDP events and sub-committees to ensure relevant current thinking across all modalities is available and accessible to IACAT members and allied professionals.
How have you been working towards it?
IACAT has been established in Ireland for over 30 years. We continue to maintain professional standards and work towards a greater presence in Ireland.
How has being a member of The Wheel helped?
We have enjoyed the updates and posts from the Wheel. We would like to collaborate more with your organisation.
How can people support you?
To utilise our service. We are a body of professional and accredited therapists. We would like the public to take the opportunity to contact with us and use our services. We are also working towards statutory recognition and registration and would like to reach audiences that might help us in this mission.
Do you have any success stories to share?
We have recently celebrated the honour of having President M D Higgins as our Patron.
Where can people find you on social media?
Website: www.iacat.ie
Facebook: IACAT Ireland
Twitter: @The IACAT
Instagram: iacat_ireland