Recruit Refugees Ireland
Recruit Refugees Ireland understands the importance of an inclusive and diverse Ireland. We believe the first step to successful inclusion is integration into the Irish jobs market for the Refugee and Asylum Seeker community. A job brings home much more than a pay cheque, it instills a sense of pride, hope, dignity and belonging. It opens up the ability to forge new relationships and supports integration into local communities.
Member Q&A
What is your goal?
To support refugees and asylum seekers, by using their strengths to build bridges with the Irish society
How have you been working towards this?
We have started a world music band with musicians from a local direct provision centre, we have set up a cricket team with cricket players in the centres, and we are currently setting up a recruitment agency for refugees and asylum seekers (
How has being a member of The Wheel helped?
We are looking forward to the training and networking offered by the Wheel, we have already used your advise on starting up the organisation. We would also like to get information on funding and how to best approach it.
How can people support you?
We are currently running a campaign in cooperation with other organisations, but led by us, Windows for Opportunity, aiming to supply laptops to every resident of DP who needs it for access to education. This can be supported through our GoFundMe campaign.
We are seeking partners to help with the training of job seekers in many different fields and we are also looking for volunteers.
People can support us by organising cricket games with the KRAC-11 teams, supporting our music project or by donating laptops, smartphones or tablets for people in Direct Provision.
Do you have any success stories to share?
We have so far been able to provide 102 people with a laptop to access education.
Our music band Citadel went all the way to the National Concert Hall in Dublin in 2019 to wow the public, and we are currently setting up the cricket team as a club, with the help of Munster cricket.
Two of our candidates in the recruitment project have acquired free places in an accountancy training institute and many more are following courses.
We are closing a deal with an engineering comapny who is willing to create apprenticeship places for engineers in DP and in the refugee community to get them back into the work. We have 229 candidates signed up and are now advocating to employers.
Where can people find you on social media?
@dyn_int @IrelandRefugees @CitadelEire @KRAC11Cork