School of Looking
Award winning multidisciplinary arts practice. Working on the Eco Showboat to spark climate action.
Member Q&A
What is your goal?
To inspire widespread creative responses and forge new trans-disciplinary partnerships to address climate change.
How have you been working towards it?
We are currently developing the Eco Showboat, a floating environmental art studio and ecolab bringing communities, artists and scientists together across Ireland to raise awareness of climate change. This sustainable vessel will tour the inland waterways over three years from summer 2021, delivering public engagement workshops in association with organisations countrywide: local authorities, research centres, and environmental agencies. The project is in production since 2019 and has brought together an impressive network of supporters all over the country.
How has being a member of The Wheel helped?
The Wheel has been incredibly useful for fundraising advice and guidance, but is also a mine of information regarding best practice and legislation in areas such as governance, data protection, management and communication.
How can people support you?
We are a small team taking on a very ambitious project - the transformation of the 48 M, a 100 year old grand canal barge, into a zero carbon sustainable vessel - to raise awareness of climate change. We would really appreciate help and advice from people with experience in boat renovation and green energy.
Do you have any success stories to share?
We have already brought together people from all over the country to support the project. Our partners include SFI / CREATIVE IRELAND / 11 County Council Arts Offices / DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL / LAWPRO / WATERWAYS IRELAND / THE NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY DATA CENTRE. Waterway's Ireland have offered us a historic barge, the 48 M, to become the HQ of this exciting project.
Where can people find you on social media?