Become a Member of The Wheel
Get the support and representation you deserve from
Ireland's biggest community of charities, community
groups and social enterprises.
Full Membership
Full membership is open to all independently governed and constituted community,
voluntary or charitable organisations.
Free Membership
Membership is offered free to organisations that have an annual turnover of under €25,000. Volunteer-led organisations that make a massive contribution to their communities with few resources.
Free Membership
Annual Income band | Fee per annum |
€0 - €25,000 | Free (€25 for private companies) |
Small Organisations
Small organisations will have an annual turnover of over €25,000 up to €75,000. This membership band is suited to an organisation, which is already formed.
Small Organisations
Annual Income band | Fee per annum |
€25,001 - €75,000 | €75 |
Medium Organisations
Medium organisations will have an annual turnover of between €75,000 and €1,000,000.
Medium Organisations
Annual Income band | Fee per annum |
€75,001 - €250,000 | € 150 |
€250,000 - €500,000 | € 330 |
€500,000 - €1,000,000 | € 450 |
Large Organisations
Large organisations will have an annual turnover of over €1,000,000.
Large Organisations
Annual Income band | Fee per annum |
€1,000,000 - €5,000,000 | € 600 |
€5,000,000 + | € 750 |
Other Membership Types
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is open to all other types of organisations including public sector, academic, commercial and for profit organisations.
Associate Membership
Annual Income Band | Annually |
€0 - €25k | €0.00 |
€25k - €75k | €75.00 |
€75k - €250k | €150.00 |
€250k - €500k | €330.00 |
€500k - €1m | €450.00 |
€1m - €5m | €600.00 |
€5m + | €750.00 |
Individual Membership
Individuals who are interested in or working for the community and voluntary sector in Ireland but not affiliated with a particular organisation can join as Individual members.
Individual Membership
Annual Income Band | Annually |
Unwaged | €25.00 |
Waged | €75.00 |
What Our Members Say
The Wheel is an essential guardian of civil society space in Ireland, and membership not only pays for itself in terms of access to training, briefings, networking, and other services but also strengthens the entire sector.
It's hugely important for us to have an independent voice that can engage with the government and other stakeholders to advocate on the issues affecting us all.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we have lots of online resources that can support small voluntary groups. We have community noticeboards that you can post to, and we run a lot of training and events that your group would find useful.
We have online resources that can help you with your charity journey. We offer training and events in this area as well.
Yes, if you are working in the charitable, community, voluntary and/or social enterprise sector you’ll find a lot of support available to your membership, we have rates of €25 unwaged/€75 unwaged for individuals. We have many training opportunities and events that can support your own leadership journey.
Absolutely, The Wheel offers a wide variety of training and events on Governance and GDPR, as well as online resources.
No, we welcome applications from community and voluntary organisations, charities, nonprofits, and social enterprises.
We offer a subscription to Fundingpoint which is a well-stocked and meticulously researched online database of funding grants for the Irish community and voluntary sector. Fundingpoint is a separate subscription to your membership of The Wheel, ordinarily €125 per annum for members and €200 for non-members, but as new members of the Wheel you would be entitled to a discounted rate of €100 on your first year’s subscription.
If Fundingpoint is not for you, you’ll find information on grant writing tips and tricks and fundraising guidance on our website. Learn more here.
We offer free memberships to organisation with a gross annual turnover within €25,000.
Our membership fees operate on a sliding scale depending on an organisation’s total annual income. They’re outlined below.
Membership Type | Annual Income Band | Annually |
Full/Associate | €0 - €25k | €0.00 |
Full/Associate | €25k - €75k | €75.00 |
Full/Associate | €75k - €250k | €150.00 |
Full/Associate | €250k - €500k | €330.00 |
Full/Associate | €500k - €1m | €450.00 |
Full/Associate | €1m - €5m | €600.00 |
Full/Associate | €5m + | €750.00 |
Individual | Waged | €75 |
Individual | Unwaged | €25 |
If you are joining as an organisation you will need information relation to your organisation formation - i.e. social enterprise, nonprofit, charity, private company. You will need to know your organisaton’s annual turnover which can often be found in your most recent set of accounts. The number of people, whether paid or voluntary, working for you. Contact details and your Registered Charity Number (if applicable), and a brief description of your activities.
If you are applying as an individual, we just need your contact details and whether you are waged 75e or unwaged 25e.
Of course, just contact to request a copy of your invoice.
Our team are always on hand to answer your support query where possible, please email where the query will be redirected.
Do you have a question about membership? Contact our Membership Team at Membership Brochure |