Social Innovation Fund Ireland Inviting Applications for 3 New Funds

Social Innovation Fund Ireland (SIFI) are inviting applications for three new funds (described below), each of which has its own unique focus and all of which will remain open until 18 January 2019.
As part of the application requirements for these three funds, SIFI are asking applicants to demonstrate that they have secured private or philanthropic funding for the duration of this fund. If the applicant is successful, SIFI will match their donation by providing a 50% uplift on their funds, as well as delivering other supports such as training, impact measurement and capacity building.
Early Childhood Fund
The goal of the fund is to provide critical support to projects and services focused on increasing the health and wellbeing (physical and mental), social and emotional skills, cognitive development and learning outcomes of children, from pregnancy to six years of age, with the goal of reduced inequalities, improved childhood and lifelong outcomes.
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Arts to Impact Fund
The goal of the fund is to support the innovative use of arts and culture as a means to improve skills development and to promote social inclusion for children, adolescents and adults. Projects can focus on prevention or intervention, in order to develop or improve creative, cognitive, social and emotional skills and other specific learning outcomes.
Sports to Impact Fund
The goal of the Sports fund is to support the innovative use of sports to impact as a means to improve physical and mental health and to promote social inclusion for children, adolescents and adults. We are calling out to innovative projects or programmes that focus on using sports to impact as a means to create positive social impact in the lives of individuals and in communities across Ireland.