GE 2020 Candidates Attend Hustings

Our General Election 2020 Hustings event was held yesterday in Dublin, with candidates from the main political parties in attendance. We heard from each candidate in relation to our Stronger Communities, Stronger Ireland manifesto, before opening the floor to questions from representatives from charities, community and voluntary organisations, and social enterprises.
Candidates in attendance were:
- Cllr Deirdre O Donovan – Fianna Fáil
- Deirdre Duffy – Fine Gael
- Cllr Peter Kavanagh – Green Party
- Nat O'Connor – Labour
- Aengus Ó Maoláin – Social Democrats.
Read the coverage of the event in The Irish Times here.
See our video of the event below.
What's Happens Next?
We are down to the last 7 days of the General Election campaign, so it is vital that we unite together to make our voice heard. That is why we are asking each and every candidate to pledge their support for the following four key asks from our Stronger Communities, Stronger Ireland manifesto:
- Recognise and support the value that the charity, community and voluntary, and social enterprise sector adds to society
- Support sustainable funding models
- Enable responsive services through streamlined compliance systems
- Embrace collaborative partnership working with the sector.
Take Action Now
Ask your local candidate to demonstrate their support for the charity, community and voluntary, and social enterprise sector by inviting them to sign the Stronger Communities, Stronger Ireland manifesto.
Our easy-to-use online tool will allow you to auto select the candidates in your constituency and send an email to them detailing the Stronger Communities, Stronger Ireland manifesto with just the touch of a button - use the tool here.
Over 135 candidates have already signed up – all thanks to your engagement in the campaign. Discover who they are here.
Finally, we know that many of our members are running their own campaigns for GE2020 and we look forward to supporting you in any way we can. Please do get in touch if you would like us to promote an aspect of your campaign:
While as individuals we may seem but drops in the ocean, once united we are a powerful force. We are asking you to unite behind Stronger Communities, Stronger Ireland to make #WavesOfChange.