Charities Regulator Seeks Input from Organisations on the Impact of COVID-19

Posted on 1 Apr 2020

The Charities Regulator is working to support charities at this difficult and challenging time. 

In order to carry out their regulatory functions, it is important that they have a clearer understanding of the potential impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on your charity and the nature of any particular concerns that you may have at this time.

They appreciate that many charities are facing even greater demands for assistance at this time, but are nevertheless asking that you take a few moments to fill in a short online survey.  This will help them to continue their work to support good governance in Irish charities and thus maintain public trust and confidence in the sector.

The overall survey results will also be shared with the Department of Rural and Community Development, which has responsibility for policy formulation in relation to the charity sector.

Please be assured that responses to this survey are entirely anonymous. 

Click here to complete the survey