It's National Workplace Wellbeing Day on 1 May
Never has it been so important for employers to send a public message to all their staff that their wellbeing is paramount.
Business and employer association for organisations Ibec is calling all employers to sign up for it's 6th National Workplace Wellbeing Day.
Sign up and browse the site to see what other companies are planning.
Tweet using #WorkWell20 and #TogetherApart
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Summit 2025: Thriving Through Change
Join us at Summit 2025 to explore and seize new opportunities as our sector unites to connect and collaborate. A host of experts will be sharing their knowledge and insights, while charities, community groups and social enterprises will tell their inspiring stories and facilitate break-out sessions to discuss our shared issues, challenges and opportunities.
Certificate in Charity Law, Trusteeship and Governance 2025
This course, which represents a collaboration between the Law Society of Ireland and The Wheel, Ireland’s national charity association, provides practitioners and those working in charitable, social enterprise and community organisations with an overview of the law and best practice in the relevant areas. The course has a very practical emphasis and will equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain integrity and uphold standards.
Dignity at Work Through Good Governance
Join us to learn how good governance can positively impact workplace culture through the practical experience of Safe to Create.
The Wheel's HSE-funded Member Network Meeting
This in-person meeting of our HSE-funded member network will include an update from The Wheel on the campaign to address pay disparity for Section 39/56/10/40 organisations, which has progressed in recent weeks. There will also be discussion on the wider issues currently impacting HSE-funded organisations.
The Wheel’s Small Organisation Member Network Meeting
Are you working or volunteering in a small organisation and having to juggle multiple roles? Does this affect your impact and that of your organisation?