Member Consultation: General Election Manifesto

Posted on 20 Jun 2024

The next general election is 6 months away, with many predictions suggesting it may be sooner than that. So we want to be ready.

We know that the community, voluntary, charity, and social enterprise sector has been at the coalface of the challenges that have faced Ireland over the previous 5 years, and will be critical to addressing whatever new challenges come our way.

It’s essential we take the opportunity over the next few months to ensure we’re at the heart of decision making and that our contribution is valued.

What We’re Doing

The Wheel is currently working to produce a manifesto for the community, voluntary, charity, and social enterprise sector. This manifesto will set out:

  • Our vision for a fair, just and inclusive Ireland

  • How the sector can achieve that vision.

We will use this manifesto to engage with policymakers as they prepare, not just for a General Election, but for the years to come. We hope that our members and sector organsations will use the manifesto as a resource in your own advocacy work.

We Need Your Help!

Organisations across the sector do incredible work every day, but we face significant challenges. These include high operational costs, insecure funding, a recruitment and retention crisis, and a lack of enterprise and other supports readily available to other sectors.

Now more than ever we need to raise our collective voice.

We want this manifesto to represent the diversity of our sector and to really represent you and your organisastion.

Get Involved

Based on previous engagements with members, we have developed a set of draft proposals for Government to support the vital work of the sector under a set of 10 Key Areas (see link below). We want to hear more from you, our members, to make sure that these draft proposals reflect your priorities, and the priorities of the sector as a whole.

To gather your feedback, we have just launched a consultation here:

This consultation will close on 5 September 2024

If you have any queries on this consultation, please contact Lily Power, Policy Officer,