Book Your Place for Accredited Social Return on Investment Training

Posted on 9 Jul 2024

Places are filling up for the Social Return on Investment (SROI) Practitioner Training six-week course, taking place online in September/October 2024. 

About SROI 

This six half-day Social Return on Investment (SROI) training brought to you by Quality Matters, in association with Social Value Ireland, covers the theory, methodology and practice needed to carry out an SROI evaluation. The training is designed as a step-by-step walk-through of an SROI analysis and aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake this methodology themselves. This SROI Training is delivered by a Social Value International Accredited Trainer and Accredited Social Value Practitioner. See more information about the training here. 

Who is the Training for? 

  • Individuals who are interested in undertaking an SROI analysis for their organisation 
  • Researchers or impact practitioners interested in SROI 
  • Social Entrepreneurs interested in valuing their impact 
  • Directors or leaders interested in applying SROI methodology or measuring the impact generated by their organisation. 


  • Autumn 2024 Course: 19 September, 26 September, 3 October, 10 October, 17 October, 24 October - BOOK HERE 

Training is delivered online via Zoom over the course of six half-days, always on Thursday mornings between 10am and 1pm.   


  • Standard price per person - €700 
  • Social Value Ireland or The Wheel price per person (10% discount) - €630. 

If you have any questions, please contact Oileán Carter Stritch at Quality Matters by email: 

Social Value Ireland is a network of individuals and organisations who are interested in changing the way Irish society accounts for value. It was conceived and is coordinated by Quality Matters, The Wheel and Whitebarn Consulting. Social Value Ireland is an Associate Network of Social Value International. 

Visit for more information on Social Value and Social Value Ireland. 
