Ireland Against Racism Fund 2024 Inviting Applications

Posted on 8 Jul 2024 Last updated on 24 Jul 2024

The Ireland Against Racism funding call is an important element in supporting the implementation of the National Action Plan Against Racism. The funding call arises from Action 2.14 of the plan which states: ‘‘Provide funding for national and local initiatives that aim to combat racism and foster racial equality and community cohesion, in order to support the implementation of this plan and the achievement of its objectives’’.

Announcing the fund, the Minister of State for Community Development, Integration and Charities, Joe O’Brien said:

“...announcement marks the launch of the second funding round of the Ireland Against Racism Fund. The Ireland Against Racism Fund (IARF) was been established in 2023 in response to Action 2.14 of the NAPAR, namely to ‘‘Provide funding for national and local initiatives that aim to combat racism and foster racial equality and community cohesion, in order to support the implementation of this plan and the achievement of its objectives.’’ I am pleased to announce that the 2024 round of Ireland Against Racism Fund launches today with €1m being made available for local and national projects to combat racism in Ireland.’’

There are two streams of funding;

  • Scheme A will provide grants, ranging from €50,000 to €100,000, to organisations for national and regional projects.
  • Scheme B will provide grants, ranging from €5,000 to €10,000, to organisations for local projects.

All applications must be submitted electronically.

Applications for funding will remain open until noon on 7 August. Groups can access a detailed guidance document and complete an online application form at the following links:

Full details 

Appointment of the Special Rapporteur for the National Action Plan Against Racism

Minister Joe O’Brien also announced the appointment of Dr. Ebun Joseph as the National Action Plan Against Racism Special Rapporteur. Dr Ebun Joseph is a Diversity and Race relations consultant, CEO and Founder of the Institute of Antiracism and Black Studies (IABS), Module Coordinator and Lecturer, Black Studies at University College Dublin (UCD), and founder & Chairperson, African Scholars Association Ireland, AFSAI (2018-2022

In her role as Special Rapporteur, Dr Joseph will monitor progress towards the objectives of the NAPAR. The Special Rapporteur may also consider matters pertaining to racial equality more broadly, and will have the authority to request information and data from public bodies to support them in carrying out the role. The Special Rapporteur will make an annual report to the Minister; this report will also be submitted to the relevant Oireachtas Committee.

In conjunction with the announcement of the Special Rapporteur appointment, Minister O’Brien also announced the establishment of the Advisory Committee on Racism and Racial Equality, with membership from a cross section of society. The NAPAR proposes actions to help make Ireland a place in which the impacts of racism are fully acknowledged and actively addressed. This Committee is tasked with monitoring and helping to progress the implementation of the National Action Plan Against Racism (NAPAR) 2023-2027. The Special Rapporteur, Dr Ebun Joseph will chair the Advisory Committee on Racial Equality and Racism.