Transformative Leadership – Applications Close 7 October

Posted on 30 Sep 2024

The application deadline for the accredited Transformative Leadership programme has been extended to Monday, 7 October. 

What Is Transformative Leadership?  

The Transformative Leadership applied practice programme will provide you with a level 8 accreditation by focusing on strengthening and deepening your capacity and ambition as a leader in the Irish community and voluntary sector. It will equip you with: 

  • An expanded model of leadership to bring back and apply in your organisation  
  • Key skills required to get the job done when working with change in a community and voluntary organisation
  • An understanding of different styles of leadership and your own leadership and communications model
  • Increased self and organisational awareness  
  • A transformative personal and reflective leadership journey attested to by hundreds of past participants over 10 years.

What the programme covers  

The course consists of four core modules:  

  • Personal leadership model building  
  • Understanding and leading change  
  • Systems change – working creatively with complexity  
  • Building strategic alliances.  

What you will take away as a leader from this course  

After completing this course, you will: 

  • Understand the development of a personal leadership style and values;  
  • Have an increased capacity to find, ignite and develop leadership in others;  
  • Have greater communication competencies to transform individual and team relationships, organisations and whole systems;  
  • Learn innovative approaches and skill sets to lead change in a complex and turbulent environment;  
  • Develop a strong network of leaders within the sector.  

How do I apply? 

Click here to download your application and submit it before midnight on Monday 7 October. 

If this sounds like something you and your organisation could benefit from, read more information about the programme and application process here