DCEDIY Invites Applications to Asylum, Migration & Integration Fund Call for Proposals

Posted on 3 Mar 2025

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has launched a Call for Proposals from organisations capable of providing rehabilitative services and other supports for survivors of torture and victims of cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment. 

This follows funding provided to 18 organisations in 2023 following a broader Call for Proposals, which was supported by the 2021-2027 AMIF Programme. As a result of these initiatives, the path towards integration of migrants, many of whom have fled very challenging circumstances in other countries, has been made significantly easier.

The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is an EU fund that aims to boost national capacities and improve procedures for migration management, as well as to enhance solidarity and responsibility sharing between Member States.

How to apply

Applicants can access a detailed guidance document and complete an online application form.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 12pm on 28 March 2025.