ALONE’s Community Impact Network: Training for Organisations supporting Older People

Posted on 11 Jan 2024

ALONE’s Community Impact Network (CIN) provides the opportunity to be part of a collaborative network that supports organisations working with older people across Ireland. 

As a national network, we are committed to supporting our members in their mission to deliver effective and appropriate services to the Older Person, by building capacity, facilitating development and providing opportunity for shared learning.

Full details about the CIN membership can be found here

In 2023, the Community Impact Network worked directly with over 200 organisations through the delivery of training, support and resources.

The Community Impact Network are delighted to release our Training Schedule for quarter 1 which include training on areas such as Safeguarding, boundaries, Dementia, Cancer, Mental Health and Grief & Bereavement.

Training Information

Join our online training to:

  • develop your skills and knowledge on key areas that affect older persons
  • develop the capacity of your organisation to support older persons
  • meet likeminded community groups and network.

Please note the format of the training can be either:

  • A self-directed e-learning to be completed by each participant prior to the training and a live facilitated session on zoom. 


  • A facilitated live zoom session by itself.

Find specific information about the training modules on our website here

We can run in-person training for your organisation, depending on numbers. Contact us at to discuss. 

Training Schedule:

Please see the training schedule for January, February, and March below.  

How to register 

Please register for any of these trainings by using the Microsoft form here


Free for CIN members. 

Contact Details:

Our team are on hand to answer any questions about training or membership, please email