Conflict Resolution for Dummies - 4 Mar

Posted on 23 Feb 2021

Conflict Resolution for Dummies - Seven Simple Strategies for Success (Free Online Zoom Webinar with Tony Kearney, Thursday, 4 March 7.00 – 8.30pm)

Have you ever wondered why it is much easier to get into conflict than it is to get out of it?

Maybe it’s a bit like when you look behind the TV and see that without you knowing it somehow all the wires have got tangled without any involvement from you and trying to get them untangled is an absolute nightmare. After a few hours of trying to untangle the unholy mess you move swiftly and seamlessly into the arena of blaming someone else for the problem to see if that moves matters forward. Then are somewhat disappointed and surprised to find that it doesn’t, and usually in fact escalates the problem!

Anyway, bearing all that in mind it is better to develop successful strategies for avoiding conflict in the first place if possible, and then other strategies for dealing with it as and when it does occur.

In this free Zoom Webinar we will share seven simple strategies that if applied can help resolve conflict if and when it occurs and also help build and maintain sustainable relationships.

The Webinar will not however help untangle the wires behind the TV for the simple reason that the Webinar didn’t cause them to be tangled in the first place (Standard ex lawyer disclaimer!).  It might however help you accept that blame probably isn’t the best place to start where untangling crossed wires is concerned!  

Facilitator: Tony Kearney

Tony grew up in New Zealand where he trained as a solicitor. He then worked as a commercial solicitor in London before moving to Ireland in 2006 to further his work around building sustainable relations into the future. This included planting a forest on the farm where he now lives.  He is also a qualified Mediator and has acted in many different settings such as workplace, community, schools, family and commercial disputes. Tony is a skilled facilitator and trainer in mediation techniques and procedures facilitating people in finding ways to deal with conflict issues in a fair and effective ways. He also runs many training and other events and is the author of five books. 

To register for this Webinar or find out more email Tony at: