Free European Solidarity Corps Conference - 27 February, Dublin
Experienced and talented young people aged 18-30 from across Ireland and the EU are waiting to join your team and work in solidarity on your mission. Explore the concept of solidarity itself and learn more about how to get involved in this exciting new programme by attending a FREE half-day conference on 27 February at Richamond Barracks in Dublin 8.
If you are a voluntary organisation looking to increase your capacity and run meaningful, solidarity projects, then this is the event for you. Hear case studies. Forge partnerships. Voice your opinion!
By the end of the day, workshop attendees will have:
- Explored the concept of solidarity and considered how it relates to your organisation’s work
- Learnt about the EU’s European Solidarity Corps initiative
- Heard from organisations how have hosted ESC volunteers and interns, and from the participants themselves
- Networked with volunteers, staff and nonprofits from Ireland’s community and voluntary sector.