Introducing IAF Hometown Architect Open Call - Reimagine your Town Centre

Posted on 7 Nov 2022


Hometown Architect funding call now open!

Hometown Architect is a new call for projects for the Irish Architecture Foundation’s Reimagine placemaking programme. We invite joint applications from community stakeholders and local architects with proposals that focus specifically on the improvement of their local town or village centre. Funded by the Arts Council and Department of Rural and Community Development, with additional support from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, this programme aligns with the Town Centre First policy which aims to revitalise towns across Ireland, building and sustaining vibrant town centres where communities can flourish.

In 2023, 5 communities will be awarded supports to the value of €10,000 for projects that focus on the regeneration of their town centres. Applications are now open and will be accepted until 16 January 2023.

Interested in applying?

Visit the Hometown Architect Open Call page for full details and to make your application.

Closing date: 16 January 2023

Irish Architecture Foundation will run information sessions for prospective applicants on Wednesday 23 November, 12pm – 1pm and Tuesday 13 December, 12 – 1pm. Register through the Hometown Architect Open Call page.