Sensory Processing in the Classroom Webinar

Posted on 7 Sep 2022

Sensory Processing in The Classroom

Online Webinar: Wednesday 28th September 2022 at 7pm


Current estimates indicate that 5% – 16.5% of the general population present with symptoms of sensory processing difficulties and these estimates are higher for clinical populations such as ASD and ADHD. Poor sensory processing can impact negatively on a child’s behaviour and ability to engage and learn. Sensory processing challenges often become more evident with entry into the school and classroom environment, as the social and physical environments become more challenging and learning, social expectations and regulation demands increase. Understanding Sensory processing disorders and their impact on the child in the classroom will help teachers to support children’s behaviours, reactions and learning challenges more effectively.


Workshop Objectives:

  • To understand sensory processing
  • To unpack the difference between sensory discrimination and sensory regulation
  • To understand how these impact on the child’s development and learning
  • To share strategies that can be used in the classroom to support children with sensory processing difficulties


Who would benefit from attending:

This webinar is a must for all teachers and SNA’s who wish to understand children’s sensory processing challenges in the school environment and how these impact on engagement and learning.


Workshop Presenter:

Dana Katz Murphy, Clinical Services Manager at Sensational Kids

Dana Katz Murphy

Dana is a Paediatric Occupational Therapist with 20+ years experience who has a special interest in sensory integration, and is a qualified Ayres Sensory Integration Practitioner, having completed the Ayres Sensory Integration Training, which is a research based, accredited and internationally recognised qualification in sensory integration.

Dana is a CORU registered paediatric occupational therapist who has worked in paediatric private practice, consulting in mainstream and supported schools, both Private and State, for 21+ years.

Dana strongly believes in inclusion and early intervention and a model of therapeutic support that is grounded in sound developmental principles and takes the child and family, their intrinsic motivation, occupations, and environment into account. She is passionate about blending early intervention and sensory integration to maximise children’s developmental potential in the home, school and play environments. She believes that children learn best when regulated and motivated by their peers.

Dana is also a part of the team of international testers who have been involved in the collection of normative data for the development of the new Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) assessment.

Dana is on the Board for the South African Institute for Sensory Integration (SAISI) and in this capacity, she has lectured to and mentored graduate students in sensory integration since 2014. She holds the Ethics and Workshop Development portfolios for SAISI. Since moving to Ireland, Dana has been leading the development of clinical services at Sensational Kids.


Workshop Cost:


  • Regular Rate for bookings from 22nd August to 25th September €25
  • Late Booking Rate for bookings made on or after 26th September €30

This workshop will be delivered on Zoom and will last approx. 1 hour from 7-8pm



Sensory Processing in The Classroom | Sensational Kids