Síolta Chroí - Syntropic Agriculture Course

Posted on 3 Jul 2024

Course Description

Date: 13th July

Time: 10:00am  – 4:00 pm

Syntropic agriculture is a form of agriculture that works with life’s principles. That respects the principles of life. Its a way of thinking philosophy and principles. For more information click here: https://agendagotsch.com/en/what-is-syntropic-farming/

In this course we will introduce participants to syntropic agriculture and its principles. We will explore the questions:

  • How do we create food systems that s that are able to over flow in abundance of energy? That sequester carbon, build biodiversity that heal our landscapes
  • How we can work with natural succession and fertility cycles in order to heal of our communities and landscapes.

The day will be a blend of Theory/Principles and practical hands planting and talking

Learning outcomes

•What is Syntropic Agroforestry? 

• Soil building and natural cycles

• How to plant a guild

It will give participants the knowledge and inspiration to begin to explore similar systems in their communities

Investment in the day €50

Information on  Syntropic Agriculture

Syntropic agriculture, also known as syntropic farming or agroforestry, is a regenerative agricultural practice developed by Swiss farmer and researcher Ernst Götsch in the 1980s. It aims to mimic natural ecosystems, promoting biodiversity and soil health while enhancing agricultural productivity. This approach integrates principles of ecology, biology, and agriculture to create self-sustaining, resilient farming systems.

Benefits of Syntropic Agriculture

Enhanced Biodiversity: Supports a wide range of plant and animal species, creating a balanced and resilient ecosystem.

Soil Health: Improves soil structure, fertility, and microbial activity through continuous organic matter addition and minimal disturbance.

Climate Resilience: Diverse systems are more adaptable to climatic changes, pests, and diseases.

Increased Productivity: Higher and more sustainable yields over time due to improved soil health and plant diversity.

Carbon Sequestration: Sequesters carbon in plants and soil, helping mitigate climate change.

For more information, visit our website - https://sioltachroi.ie/product/1-day-taster-to-syntropic-agriculture-13th-of-july/