Sustainable Relationships – Seven Simple Strategies for navigating relationships when you finally realize that “other people” aren’t perfect and probably aren’t ever going to be!

Posted on 15 Feb 2022

Sustainable Relationships – Seven Simple Strategies for navigating relationships when you finally realize that “other people” aren’t perfect and probably aren’t ever going to be!

Free Zoom Webinar: Tuesday 22nd February 7.00 – 8.30pm.

Relationships.  Apart from everyone, who needs them?  Unless you adopt the template for relationships used by Simeon Stylites in the 5th Century who spent 37 years living as a hermit on top of a pillar in Syria to get away from people seeking prayers and advice from him.  I know how he feels!  😊

Not a solution I would personally advocate when relationships get tricky or problematic as it is a bit extreme to be fair.  But if all else fails PM me and I will send you details of suitable pillars currently available!

Dealing with “other people” throughout our lives is therefore something we are simply going to have to get used to and try and find ways to make these relationships work.  And figure out how to fix them when obviously due to the imperfections of others, things go wrong with them, or they break.

Therefore, developing successful strategies for making relationships (of all kinds from family to school to social to community to workplace to personal) successful, healthy, and mutually beneficial must be a good idea. 

So, what are the key ingredients for making relationships truly successful and sustainable?

And what are some of the ways and means we can apply to heal, remedy, and repair them when they hit the rocks?  Maybe that is why they are called Relation Ships?  Great when it’s all plain sailing but what if your ship suddenly turns out to be the Titanic and you’ve just hit an iceberg?

Is it helpful to stand on the deck arguing over who is to blame for having hit the iceberg, or is it better to co-operate and collaborate to try and get as many people as possible safely on to lifeboats heading to the safety of the future rather than drowning in the past?

In this free Zoom Webinar, we will be looking at some of the key ingredients that make relationships work sustainably and successfully, and seven key strategies to employ when they hit choppy waters to hopefully avoid things like what happened on Mutiny on the Bounty or being forced to walk the plank!

Finding a compass to help navigate the way into a safer future for all parties in all relationships including when they get into trouble and conflict is crucial and will form an integral part of this Webinar.  It’s one thing to say that nobody is safe until everyone is safe, but how do you apply and live that as a principle when it’s actually happening – to you?

Hopefully on this Webinar we might discover some simple yet powerful tools to apply to help apply the Billy Ocean principle of making relationships work – When the Going Gets Tough the Tough Get Going!  😊

Facilitator: Tony Kearney

Tony grew up in New Zealand where he trained as a solicitor. He then worked as a solicitor in London for over 20 years before moving to Ireland in 2006 to further his work around building sustainable relations into the future. This includes planting a forest on the farm where he now lives and acting as a Mediator in workplace, community, schools, family, and commercial disputes. Tony is also a skilled facilitator and trainer and runs many training and other events and is the author of five books. 

It is not necessary to have attended any of the previous Webinars to join the process as they are all designed as stand-alone events.

To register for this Webinar or find out more email Tony at: