Tracking Reform: Independent Monitoring of DSGBV Policy Implementation in Ireland, Online Event on 4 May

Posted on 18 Apr 2023

Zero Tolerance, the Government’s Third National Strategy to combat Domestic Sexual and Gender Based Violence, was launched last year. Although the Government committed to oversight and accountability to the highest level, the legislation to establish the statutory DSGBV agency contains no provision for independent monitoring.  

Rape Crisis Network Ireland would like to start to a conversation on what an independent monitoring body could look like in the context of DSGBV and we believe the best way to inform this question is to draw on the expertise of those who have experience in various independent monitoring roles in Ireland. 

'Tracking Reform: Independent Monitoring of DSGBV Policy Implementation in Ireland' is an online event that will take place on Thursday 4 May at 11am. 

Emily Logan, Commissioner of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission, Professor Conor O'Mahony, former Special Rapporteur on Child Protection, and Dr Niall Muldoon, Ombudsman for Children, will join RCNI’s Dr Clíona Sáidléar to explore what independent monitoring means and how it works in practice, helping us towards the next steps in ensuring that today's unprecedented determination to transform DSGBV is secured into the future through systemic mechanisms of transparency and accountability. 

Registration is now open at this link – all welcome.