Webinar on What Works Ireland Evidence Hub, 19 Oct

Posted on 23 Sep 2022


The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) is working with the Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) to develop the What Works Ireland Evidence Hub of prevention and early intervention programmes.

The Evidence Hub will be an online tool designed to increase access to effective prevention and early intervention programmes by making the best evidence on what works available to policy makers, service commissioners, providers and other audiences.

The Department plans to launch the What Works Ireland Evidence Hub in 2023.

For more information on the What Works Irish Evidence Hub and the submission process, click here.

Register here for a webinar hosted by the DCEDIY and the EIF about the What Works Ireland Evidence Hub on Wednesday 19 October, 12-1pm. The webinar will explain the Evidence Hub and its purpose, and familiarise providers with the submission and assessment process.  Registration is essential for webinar attendance.