Empower Your Nonprofit with Energy Savings and Sustainability


Free members-only event
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Empower Your Nonprofit with Energy Savings and Sustainability

Discover how to cut energy costs, access grants, and boost savings with energy efficiency. Use energy savings to fund your organisation's mission 

Training Focus 

  • Immediate Cost Reductions Learn how to implement energy-saving measures that drastically reduce your operational expenses
  • Energy Efficiency Tactics Effective strategies that optimise energy usage for maximum financial gain
  • Sustainability Strategies Simple ways to implement sustainability measures
  • Grant Opportunities Guidance on identifying and applying for grants that fund energy projects. 

Learning Outcomes 

  • Gain insights into effective energy-saving practices that cut costs
  • Learn how to secure financial incentives and maximise grant opportunities
  • Use energy savings to fund your nonprofit's mission, demonstrate fiscal responsibility, sustainability and attract sustainability-focused donors and volunteers
  • Walk away with a clear plan to boost savings and reinvest in your cause. 

Benefits and Resources / Immediate Takeaways 

  • SSEA Audit Voucher: Tips to unlock this financial resource quickly
  • Budget-Friendly Solutions: Cost-effective methods and tools for sustainable energy management
  • Plan Energy's Support: How our services can lead to further savings and enhanced energy efficiency. 
How to register
  • You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.  
  • This event will take place on Zoom.  
  • Closed Captions can be enabled by participants.   
  • Please email matthew@wheel.ie if you have any special requirements.   

Book Here

Meet Your Facilitators:

Marie Galvin

Marie Galvin - Project Manager RIAI, CEA. Marie is a Chartered architect with over 20 years experience and a member of RIAI As a Project Manager, she is an Energy Officer, and BER and DEC Assessor. She supports clients in energy efficiency and decarbonisation & EU targets for 2030 and 2050

Michael O'Brien

Michael O'Brien - Senior Project Manager. Michael has over a decade of public sector experience, starting as the HSE's first Energy Officer in 2014 and now managing CARO ASBN'S Energy Bureau. He led teams that earned Sligo University Hospital's SEAI Award and Green Flag Status in 2018.

Gavin Forkan

Gavin Forkan - Managing Director. 22 years renewables origination, design, planning, teams, budgets. 1000+ MW wind EIA & Design. Ex Jacobs & independent wind developer. Managed numerous community energy projects, scale retrofits energy efficiency projects fot the public sector.

Keith Darling

Keith Darling - Commercial Manager. With 12 years operational and project management experience in the energy industry. He has managed 15GW of distributed energy resources globally for Enel.

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Who should attend

Charity leaders, facility managers, and decision-makers interested in reducing energy costs, improving sustainability, and accessing grant opportunities for meaningful change within their organisations.