Meeting of The Wheel's HSE-Funded Member Network


Free members-only event
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Event Date


Meeting of The Wheel's HSE-Funded Member Network

This online meeting of our HSE-funded member network will begin with an update on the campaign to address pay disparity for Section 39/56/10/40 organisations. 

This will be followed by an update from an HSE representatives on population-based planning, and communicating the Health Dialogue Forum’s Partnership Principles.

There will then be time for an open discussion where we hope to hear from our members about other issues and priorities.  

How to register
  • You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.  
  • This event will take place on Zoom.  
  • Closed Captions can be enabled by participants.   
  • Please email if you have any special requirements.   

Book Here

Meet Your Facilitators:

Headshot of Colette Bennett Director of Advocacy & Research

Colette Bennett is The Wheel’s Director of Advocacy and Research, and has worked in senior advocacy and organisational development roles for 15 years. She has a Masters in Social Justice and Public Policy and is a member of the Royal Irish Academy Social Sciences Committee. She regularly lectures in universities and colleges across Ireland on social justice and public policy frameworks.   

Supported by:

Govt of Ireland
Who should attend

Members of the HSE-funded Member Network