Succession Planning: Preparing Your Organisation for What's Next (online workshop)


Price - Member
Price - Non-Member
Event Date

Training Sponsored By
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Succession Planning: Preparing Your Organisation for What's Next (online workshop)

This workshop will discuss what succession planning is as well as the different types of succession planning there is. Good succession planning is a process that spans your whole organisation from Board, to staffing to volunteers. 

In particular, we will look at the different ways your organisation can: 

  • Identify the type of Succession Planning most applicable to your organisation 
  • Decide what are the steps your organisation needs to take to be in a stronger position in the event of a major change 
  • Prioritise the first/next steps your organisation is going to take as part of its succession planning. 

This workshop will give busy leaders some time and space to reflect on the current status of the organisation and give practical tools to guide you in your planning. 

Attendees will also be given access to a folder of succession planning resources, including templates of documents to complete. 

How to register
  • You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.  
  • This event will take place on Zoom.  
  • Closed captions can be enabled by participants.   
  • Please email if you have any special requirements.   

Book Here

Meet Your Facilitator:

Sharon headshot

Sharon Hughes is the Leadership Academy Manager in the Skills Team of The Wheel. Sharon has been involved in membership organisations for over 20 years. Before working for The Leadership Academy, she was C.E.O. of a nonprofit. Her background is managing member Events and Communications. Sharon is a qualified Coach, is a member of the Teaching Council of Ireland and is currently studying Psychology. She is low-key obsessed with Leadership. 

If you are interested in learning more about the Leadership Academy or you have a great idea you would like to share, please email her at or feel free to connect with Sharon on LinkedIn. 

NTF sponsored
Who should attend

If you want to begin succession planning for your organisation or you have an imminent retirement within your organisation, this workshop will give you the time and information to begin your planning.