Skills Summary: The value of non-formal education in transversal skills development


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Skills Summary: The value of non-formal education in transversal skills development

Join us to explore how non-formal education, such as youth work and volunteering, supports development of key transversal skills (soft skills/ transferrable life skills) and how Skills Summary platform helps young people to recognise, measure and articulate those skills. 

Learn what Skills Summary can offer employers and tap into the talent pool you may have not considered before. 

Skills Summary was developed in partnership between the National Youth Council of Ireland,, and Accenture. It is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and recognised as a measurement tool in the Youth Employability Initiative. 

What to expect: 

  • Overview of Skills Summary online platform: demonstrate the platform features and how it can be a tool for young people to showcase and articulate their skills and experience. 
  • Transversal skills in non-formal education: Identifying key skills young people develop through youth work and volunteering and how they translate to the workplace. 
  • Benefits of recognising youth work experience: explore the uniqueness of youth work and how recognising its value in job candidates enhances diversity and inclusion. 

Learning outcomes:

  • Gain understanding of Skills Summary 
  • Recognise non-formal education as a valuable indicator of candidate skills 
  • Recognise the benefits of hiring candidates with youth work backgrounds to enhance diversity, inclusion and innovation. 
How to register
  • You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.  
  • This event will take place online.  
  • Closed Captions can be enabled by participants.   
  • Please email if you have any special requirements. 

Book Here

Meet Your Facilitator:

Mateja Jakšić

Mateja Jakšić  is the Skills Summary Project Co-ordinator with the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI). In her role, she works with youth organisations to support young people, particularly vulnerable or disadvantaged young people or those most challenged by school, in recognising and articulating their transferable life skills acquired through non-formal education such as youth work and volunteering. She also works with employers to raise awareness of the importance of acknowledging and valuing the full spectrum of skills acquired through various learning avenues. 

White man wearing a suit looks at camera

Peter Byrne is the CEO of South Dublin Chamber and the Irish Employers Representative to the European Economic and Social Committee. Academically Peter holds several degrees including a Masters Degree in Organisational Behaviour, Peter has delivered seminars in over 70 countries worldwide on subjects ranging from leadership to communication. Peter is a co-founder of several organisations including ECO UNESCO Clubs and the British Irish Chamber of Commerce. As a former Director of both ECO UNESCO Clubs and the National Youth Council of Ireland Peter is informed on the issues challenging young people and is a member of the EESC Youth Engagement Committee. 

Who should attend

HR managers, Recruiters and Employers