Member Townhall: New Government & Budget 2026 - Your Priorities for 2025


Free members-only event
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Member Townhall: New Government & Budget 2026 - Your Priorities for 2025

What would you like to see prioritised in The Wheel’s pre-Budget submission and advocacy work for 2025? 

The elections held in 2024 together with the establishment of a new Government have deeply impacted the Irish political landscape. The community and voluntary sector has been fast moving in its response to these new challenges and opportunities. We want to hear your priorities for Budget 2026 to inform our ongoing advocacy and campaigns work. 

This is a unique opportunity for you to voice your policy priorities, discuss the challenges your nonprofit faces, meet and hear from other organisations from the sector, and help guide our advocacy and campaigns work. Your insights are invaluable in helping us understand what our members need from policymakers. 

We warmly invite members of all sizes and sectors to participate in this event.  

Whether you're a staff member, volunteer, or board member, your voice is important and we want to hear it. 

The townhall will be held via Zoom and facilitated to ensure an open and productive dialogue. 

We look forward to hearing your views and working together to shape our collective future. Your voice matters, and we can't wait to hear what you have to say. 

How to register
  • You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.  
  • This event will take place on Zoom.  
  • Closed captions can be enabled by participants.   
  • Please email if you have any special requirements.   

Book Here

Meet Your Facilitator:

Guillaume headshot

Guillaume Jacquinot, Advocacy & Campaigns Manager leads The Wheel’s work on campaigns and advocacy. This involves active engagement with its membership and a range of external stakeholders, as well as representing The Wheel and the community and voluntary sector in strategic spaces to further its goals.  

Guillaume holds a Master's in Human Rights and completed an LLM in International Comparative Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway. He worked in the disability sector since 2012, with various organisations active at national, European, and international levels and is Secretary General of Inclusion Europe. 

Who should attend

Members of The Wheel, policy staff and anyone involved in campaigning.