Implementing the Charities SORP in Your Financial Reporting
Implementing the Charities SORP in Your Financial Reporting
The Charities SORP, or Statement of Recommended Practice, is an accounting standard which sets out best practice in reporting on a charity’s finances. It prioritises transparency and accountability. While it is not yet a requirement for Irish charities, it is expected that with the enactment of the Charities (Amendment) Act 2024, SORP will in time become mandatory for larger organisations.
This practical session is a timely guide for organisations in the implementation of the Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial Reporting by Charities (SORP) guidelines.
After the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Understand SORP and how it will impact on charities’ reporting
- Outline the SORP guidelines
- Understand what is involved in the implementation of SORP for charities.
- You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.
- This event will take place on Zoom.
- Closed Captions can be enabled by participants.
- Please email if you have any special requirements.
Your Facilitator:

Andrea Shupinski is a Chartered Accountant by qualification. A sole practitioner, she has been providing consultancy, accountancy and taxation services to the Charity and Not-for Profit sector for over 30 years. Andrea has extensive financial and senior management experience with charities and not for profits as an advisor and accountant and as Chief Financial Officer. She is a member of the Charity and Not-for Profit Committee at Chartered Accountants Ireland.
Her presentation on the SORP Guidelines and the clear explanation of it. While she used the material from the SORP Document (which is rather wordy and lengthy) she was able to present it in a more understandable way that was clear or clearer (penny drops!) P. O'Halloran, Mill Hill Missionaries
I found the level at which the training was pitched gave a great overview of what SORP compliancy requires. I now have a much better understanding. I thought overall it was excellent.