Training Links Programme

Training Links funds and supports networks of community and voluntary organisations to undertake training together.
Since 2005 The Wheel’s Training Links Programme has supported the training and development needs of nonprofit workers across Ireland. This includes volunteers and employees of charities, community and voluntary organisations and social enterprises.
2024 - 2026 Programme
This year we have awarded €255,000 to 10 Training Networks, composed of a total of 140 charities, community and voluntary organisations and social enterprises from all over the country.
Meet Our Training Networks
Lead Organisation
Social Enterprise Republic of Ireland (SERI)
Network Members
- Spraoi agus Spórt
- Ballyhoura
- Inishowen Development Partnership
- Hair Together
- The Shona Project
- Treo Port Lairge CLG
- The Midlife Women Rock Project
- Speedpak Group
- Partas
- Wexford Local Development
- Leap
- Killala Community Council Newstart CLG
- Comharchumann Forbartha Cill tSeadhna Teo
- PAUL Partnership
- Ballina Costume Company
- CFÁA - The Achill Experience Aquarium & Visitor Centre
- FACT Social Club
- The B!G Idea
- South West Mayo Development Company
- PDFORRA Medical Assistance Scheme (PMAS)
- Ovation Community Learning CLG
- Edible Landscape Project CLG
- Longford Women's Link
Impact Summary
The Artificial Intelligence Social Enterprise Network (AISEN), led by the Social Enterprise Republic of Ireland (SERI), will provide social enterprises with training to adopt and use AI effectively. Participants will learn to streamline operations, enhance decision-making and improve service delivery using AI tools such as Open AI, Co-Pilot, and Gemini. They will also explore the ethical and privacy aspects of AI. The programme includes developing AI implementation plans and completing a capstone project to solve a real-world problem within their enterprise.
Lead Organisation
Early Learning Initiative, National College of Ireland
Network Members
- Early Learning Initiative, National College of Ireland
- Northside Partnership
- Lifestart Foundation Ltd
- Let’s Grow Together! Infant and Childhood Partnerships CLG
- Louth Local Development CLG
- Brill Resource Centre
- Parents First (Laois, Offaly) CLG
- Daughters of Charity Community Services
- Youth New Ross
- St. Ultans Childcare Project
Impact Summary
In line with ‘Ireland’s National Skills Strategy 2025 – Ireland’s Future,' the Home Visiting Alliance Training Network aims to enhance the skills of Home Visitors throughout Ireland to meet the evolving needs of families and society through a series of online training webinars. This includes interdisciplinary skills such as cultural sensitivity, trauma-informed care, empathy, communication, resilience, creativity, and problem-solving. The plan seeks to develop a flexible, knowledgeable workforce capable of addressing emerging challenges in at-risk communities. It emphasises improving early childhood home visiting practices, promoting lifelong learning, and increasing skilled Home Visitors to support marginalized families.
Lead Organisation
The Disability Federation of Ireland
Network Members
- Blanchardstown Center for Independent Living
- Carlow Center for Independent Living
- Centre for Independent Living Cork
- Donegal Centre for Independent Living
- Galway Centre for Independent Living
- Kilkenny Centre for Independent Living
- Leitrim Association for People with Disabilities
- Longford Centre for Independent Living
- North Tipperary Disability Support Services
- Offaly Centre for Independent Living
- County Roscommon Disability Support Group
- Sligo Centre for Independent Living
- Tipperary Centre for Independent Living
- Waterford Centre for Independent Living
- Westmeath Centre for Independent Living
- Wexford Disability Development (CIL)
- West Limerick Centre for Independent Living
Impact Summary
The National Alliance of Centres for Independent Living (NACIL) has 17 member organisations. Collectively these organisations provide services to over 2,000 disabled people across all five HSE Health Regions.
It will support NACIL to:
- Navigate the changing landscape of health and disability services in Ireland.
- Be better informed and positioned to ensure that the independent living services they provide, grow as Ireland progresses with the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).
- Help build the newly formed Alliance.
- To build sustainability and organisational stability, with a strong focus on the commonality between participants.
Lead Organisation
LGBT Ireland
Network Members
- LGBT Ireland
- Midlands LGBT+
- OutWest
- Gay Project
- Outcomers
- LinC
- Outhouse
- Amach LGBT
- ShoutOut
Impact Summary
The LGBTI+ Training Links Network offers service providers in the LGBTQIA+ community sector the chance to participate in training, network with others in the field, and share experiences to benefit the sector as a whole. The network provides opportunities, such as the continued professional development conference, which is a two-day event featuring workshops, speakers, and time for connecting with other attendees. This creates a space for connection, learning, and strengthening bonds within the LGBTQIA+ community sector.
Lead Organisation
Network Members
- A Partnership with Africa
- Financial Justice
- See Beyond Borders Ireland
- Brighter Communities Worldwide
- Tearfund Ireland
- Edmund Rice Development
- Comhlamh
- ILCU Foundation
- Development Perspectives
- Nepal Leprosy Trust
- Habitat for Humanity
- Concern Worldwide
- CBM Ireland
- Goal Global
- Misean Cara
Impact Summary
The Dóchas Leadership Programme 2025 is a collaborative effort between Dóchas and 15 of its member organisations, working in partnership with UCD Innovation Academy. Following a similar course delivered in 2023, it brings together emerging and existing leaders in the sector to focus on creative thinking, innovation and leadership. An inclusive approach involving online delivery allows participation of personnel from across the network, including those in the Global South. Through this programme, Dóchas provides a platform for participants to connect, coordinate and collaborate, continue peer learning and exchange, and apply skills and best practice to sectoral initiatives.
Lead Organisation
Comhlámh – Development Workers and Volunteers in Global Solidarity
Network Members
- Comhlámh – Development Workers and Volunteers in Global Solidarity CLG
- Tearfund Ireland
- Nurture Africa
- SeeBeyondBorders Ireland
- Voluntary Service International (VSI)
- Vincentian Lay Missionaries (VLM)
- Suas Educational Development
- Salesian Missions (operating as Don Bosco Aid)
- Church Mission Society Ireland
- Brighter Communities Worldwide
- SERVE in Solidarity Ireland
- Viatores Christi CLG
Impact Summary
The Rethinking International Volunteering Network will work to support the sector to strengthen individual and collective values-led approaches to international volunteering and development programming. Tailored trainings will support participants to explore the different dimensions of values-led volunteering, building capacity to mainstream learnings across their organisations and broader networks. Areas to be explored include safeguarding, inclusive programming, collective care, ethical communications and fundraising, and challenging the harmful practice of orphanage volunteering. The network has identified these are priority areas where joint training will them to strengthen collective impact and quality, at a time of rapid change.
Lead Organisation
Philanthropy Ireland
Network Members
- Philanthropy Ireland
- Community Foundation Ireland
- Basis.point
- Camden Trust
- Irish Hospice Foundation
- Kylemore Trust
- Lifes2 Good Foundation
- Mount Street Club Trust
- Oakfield Trust
- Stephens Green Trust
- The Ireland Funds
Impact Summary
By engaging in this programme we aim to add value in the leadership, management, and operational skills of grant making organisations to increase impact, build governance and inform grant making strategies, in support of an agile, responsive community of grant makers addressing beneficiary needs. It will help in the support and development of high-quality, impactful, sustainable, and responsive grant making programmes to maximise impact of resources.
Lead Organisation
Network Members
- Cloyne Diocesan Youth Service CLG
- Good Shepherds
- Midleton Family Resource Centre
- West Cork Beacon
- Cork City Partnership CLG
- Cork Migrant Centre, South Presentation Sisters CLG
- Traveller Visibility Group
- Cuanlee CLG
- Sundays Well Life Centre (aka Cork Life Centre)
- Le Cheile FRC Mallow
Impact Summary
The network aims to upskill community and voluntary groups in the Cork City & County Geographical areas to support practitioners and volunteers in providing an effective, appropriate and shared response to Keeping Children SAFE & PROTECTED from harm. Desired outcomes include:
- Increased confidence and capacity within the community and voluntary groups across Cork in keeping our children and young people safe from harm.
- Provide an appropriate, effective and accessible response to training needs gaps identified by practitioners and volunteers.
- Deepen the knowledge, understanding and skills for working in this complex are.
- Provide a platform for the sharing of best practice and expertise and further collaboration in providing a shared response.
Lead Organisation
Football Cooperative
Network Members
- Access Sport Foundation
- Active Connections
- Active Retirement Ireland
- All Irish Dance
- Chronic Health Advocate
- Connemara Therapeutic Riding CLG
- Cycle Sense
- Cycling Without Age
- Ex Well Medical
- Festina Lente Enterprises CLG
- Fettercairn Youth Horse Project
- Football Cooperative
- Galway Community Circus
- Gerri's Place
- Irish Amputee Football Association
- Irish Dragon Boat Association
- Liquid Therapy
- Little Fitness
- Lough Ree Access For All
- Meitheal Mara
- Mixed Ability Sports Ireland
- Move2Be
- New Wave Adventure Project
- No Barriers Foundation
- ParkHiit
- Parks Tennis
- Rainbow Club
- Red Rhino Kickboxing Club
- Sail Training Ireland for Youth Development
- Sailing into Wellness
- Shamrock Squad Adventures
- Siul Eile
- Sport Against Racism Ireland
- Sport Agus Spraoi
- The Bike Hub
- The Wellness Community
- Venture Out Wilderness Project
- Yoga for Health Ireland
Impact Summary
The Physical Activity Social Innovation for Health (PASIfH) training link aims to upskill each of the network organisations on Impact Management with a core objective progressing towards the development of a Common Outcomes Framework. The Common Outcomes Framework will provide an organised, generalised, set of outcomes and outcome indicators that establishes a universal approach for impact evaluation. This process will aim to define a collective and sector-led understanding of how physical activity programmes improve outcomes for all stakeholders.
The result of which will help to inform or adapt programme design (as the framework can be referenced to integrate greater health promotion outcomes); promote shared and consistent measurement of impact that results in peer-to-peer based evidence; empower each of the network organisations to 'talk about' themselves in a more systematic way to all stakeholders and enable a range of wider benefits including supporting programme beneficiaries to greater understand the positive outcomes that they can expect to experience from their participation.
Lead Organisation
One Family
Network Members
- Paul Ring, Step by Step, Child & Family Project
- Geraldine Nugent, Aosog, Child & Family Project
- Sarah Kearney, Daughters of Charity
- Dublin City Childcare Committee
- Anne Staunton, Rainbows Ireland
- Aileen Hickey, Parentline
- Geraldine O Driscoll, Ozanam House, St Vincent de Paul
- Chime, The National Charity for Deafness and Hearing Loss
- Dublin 7 School Completion Project
- Bradog Youth Services
- Dominic Justice of Ireland
Impact Summary
We aim to build knowledge and skills across front line practice; developing a targeted approach within a shared framework; creating dedicated support and services for families. The project aims to increase the awareness of the needs of families by creating a shared understanding of how systemic issues are impacting on lives and family wellbeing. Through training we hope to develop a knowledge hub, lending to peer support, best practice, referral pathways and a united approach to service delivery. We aspire to creating opportunities for lifelong learning supporting the retention of staff and knowledge in the Dublin 7 and 1 areas.
Expression of interest
Are you interested in forming a Training Networking, or connecting with potential new partners? Please fill the below Expression of Interest form and we will circulate the responses gathered to all respondents in advance of the next round of Training Links funding.
Any questions about the programme? Have a look at the Training Links 2024-2026 Programme Overview or feel free to get in touch with Lauren on
Case Studies
Training Links
2022 - 2024
2021 - 2023
"As a QQI provider, funding from The Wheel Training Links Grant has strengthened Craol’s training quality and delivery.
This grant allowed us to revise the teaching practices of the courses we deliver, bring them in line with current methods and technologies, update and revise our training materials, train new trainers to deliver our courses and deliver GDPR and Data protection training to member station volunteers, boards and staff.
The Training Links Grant is supporting Craol in delivering QQI Certified courses across our network to 2,500 volunteers, 200 staff and members of the communities our 21 member stations broadcast to.
This in turn increases Community Radio Station’s capacity to deliver Social Benefits that is the remit of Community Radio. "
- Mary Lennon, Craol Training Network (2022 - 2024 Training Links Programme)
"It has helped establish a culture of learning and capacity building across a sector that was previously notable for its absence"
- Brendan Mulry, Meals on Wheels Training Network Coordinator (2021-2023 Training Links Programme)