Training Links Programme

A banner advertising the 2024 -2025 Training Links Programme

Training Links funds and supports networks of community and voluntary organisations to undertake training together. 

Since 2005 The Wheel’s Training Links Programme has supported the training and development needs of nonprofit workers. This includes volunteers and employees of charities, community and voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Training Links has funded the establishment of 111 Training Networks involving in excess of 50,000 workers and 1,189 community and voluntary organisations

2024 - 2026 Programme

Applications for Training Links 2024-2026 are now closed. The selection process in underway and results will be announced on Monday 15 July.

Training Networks are invited to apply for grants ranging from €10,000.00 to €50,000.00. There is a total fund of €255,000.00 available and applications are welcome from new, existing, previously funded networks who have completed their programme or previously unsuccessful networks. 

Application Documents

  1. Training Links 2024-2026 Programme Overview
  2. Training Links 2024 - 2026 FAQs
  3. Training Links 2024 - 2026 Eligibility, Selection & Appeals Process
  4. Training Links 2024 - 2026 Timetable of Activities


Expression of interest

Are you interested in forming a Training Networking, or connecting with potential new partners? Please fill the below Expression of Interest form and we will circulate the responses gathered to all respondents in advance of the next round of Training Links funding. 

Feel free to get in touch with Lauren on

Expression of Interest Form

Case Studies

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Training Links

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2022 - 2024 

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2021 - 2023

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"As a QQI provider, funding from The Wheel Training Links Grant has strengthened Craol’s training quality and delivery.  

This grant allowed us to revise the teaching practices of the courses we deliver, bring them in line with current methods and technologies, update and revise our training materials, train new trainers to deliver our courses and deliver GDPR and Data protection training to member station volunteers, boards and staff.   

The Training Links Grant is supporting Craol in delivering QQI Certified courses across our network to 2,500 volunteers, 200 staff and members of  the communities our 21 member stations broadcast to. 

This in turn increases Community Radio Station’s capacity to deliver Social Benefits that is the remit of Community Radio. "

 - Mary Lennon, Craol Training Network (2022 - 2024 Training Links Programme)

"It has helped establish a culture of learning and capacity building across a sector that was previously notable for its absence"

- Brendan Mulry,  Meals on Wheels Training Network Coordinator (2021-2023 Training Links Programme)

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