Webinar Series: Cultural Challenges in Post-Pandemic Hybrid Working Organisations - Unpacking the Deterioration Factors


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Webinar Series: Cultural Challenges in Post-Pandemic Hybrid Working Organisations - Unpacking the Deterioration Factors

Join us as we delve into the complexities surrounding organisational culture and its evolution in the wake of widespread remote and hybrid work. 

We will dissect the deterioration factors that pose challenges to maintaining a strong and inclusive workplace culture, offering practical insights and solutions for organisations navigating this transformative period. 

Key discussion points: 

  • Analysing the impact of hybrid work on organisational culture 
  • Identifying deterioration factors affecting cultural cohesion 
  • Strategies for mitigating cultural challenges in hybrid working environments 
  • Fostering a resilient and adaptive organisational culture for sustained success in the post-pandemic era. 

To book onto individual webinars please see the links below:   

Navigating Hybrid Work Realities: Unpacking the Consequences of Inconsistent Trust across an organisation (Complete) - 16/02/2024

Unveiling the Impact: Consequences of Low Emotional Intelligence within the Hybrid Workplace - 5/04/2024

Elevating Wellbeing: A Deep Dive into How Organisations Impact Mental Health in the Hybrid Work Landscape - 7/06/2024

Cultural Challenges in Post-Pandemic Hybrid Working Organisations: Unpacking the Deterioration Factors - 6/09/2024

Navigating Change: Anticipating Consequences in the Evolution of Hybrid Working in 2024 - 25/10/2024 

Charting the Course: Exploring the Future Path of Hybrid Working as We Approach 2025 - 6/12/2024

How to register

This event will be held on Zoom. Please register below. Meeting details will be sent to you after registration.

Meet Your Facilitator


Dermot Dennehy has worked remotely and managed remote teams over many years. His company, Manage Remote Teams trains companies and charities across the UK, EU and the US, delivering experience-driven live online courses that are lauded by the clients we work with. Those senior leadership teams recognise that the route to successfully thriving as a full or partially remote business is to upskill their middle managers and employees in the art of operating remotely.


Govt of Ireland
Who should attend

Any CEO or HR leader who is operating a remote/hybrid organisation or planning to do so.