An Introduction to the New eTender Platform for Suppliers
An Introduction to the New eTender Platform for Suppliers
The new tendering platform is now live - are you confident you know how to navigate and source tender opportunities this new eTendering system?
This one-hour hands-on workshop will equip you with the skills and confidence to navigate the change and continue your tendering journey. This is an interactive virtual workshop, where participants will create their new platform accounts and optimise their company profile.
Workshop Outcome
Upon completion of this training, participants will be confident in their ability to:
- Set up and log in to their new eTenders platform profile
- Navigate the new eTenders platform
- Find live tender opportunities
- Access tender competition documents
- Send/receive clarifications to tender queries
- Upload tender submissions in both online and offline modes.
For best results from the webinar, participants should be registered users (either CAPC – Contracting Authority Procurement Coordinator, or CAPCA Contracting Authority Procurement Coordinator Assistant) on the new eTenders platform - please check/update your user type before the webinar.
- This event will take place on Zoom.
- To support interaction and programme participation, participants are encouraged to have webcam and microphone enabled.
- Closed Captions can be enabled by participants.
- Participants will receive a PDF copy of notes.
- The session will not be recorded.
- You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.
- Please email if you have any special requirements.
Joanne Gillen is the founder of eTenders Consulting. Joanne has over 20 years’ experience in procurement and tendering, and holds the CIPS diploma from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, as well as a Certificate in Public Procurement from the Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management. She is also Ireland’s only Fellow of the Association of Proposal Management Professionals and a Fellow of the Learning and Development Institute. As co-author of the 'Public Procurement Rules of the Road', Joanne has literally written the book on public procurement in Ireland!