Theory of Change (workshop)


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Theory of Change (workshop)

Join us for this half-day workshop designed to empower organisations in the community and voluntary sector to create meaningful, measurable change. 

Through the Theory of Change framework, you will gain the tools to define your goals, map the path to success, and demonstrate the impact of your work. A Theory of Change (TOC) links the activities of a programme, intervention or organisation to the short-term, medium-term and long-term outcomes experienced by stakeholders. 

You will receive templates in advance of the session to use throughout the session. 

At the end of the session you will: 

  • Understand what a Theory of Change is and the differences between TOC and logic model. 
  • Understand key concepts and terminology to complete a TOC for your organisation. 
  • Understand the benefits of developing a TOC for your organisation or programme. 
  • Understand what an outcome is in the context of your work. 
  • Be provided with templates for the completion of a TOC for your work. 
  • Feel able to design a process to develop a TOC with your stakeholders. 
  • Feel confident using the component parts of a TOC and to communicate their strategic value. 
How to register
  • You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.  
  • This event will take place on Zoom.  
  • Closed Captions can be enabled by participants.   
  • Please email if you have any special requirements.  

Book Here

White woman with short fair hair in a white tshirt stands in front of a brick wall

Fiona Barry is an Associate Consultant at 2into3, within the Strategy Advisory Practice. Fiona has worked since the early 1990s across the community and voluntary sector, working across diverse groups and projects. Fiona has an established track record, as a consultant with 2into3 and throughout her career, of researching, developing and implementing evidence-based models of service delivery and developed outcome evaluation frameworks focused on short term outcomes and long-term impact. She delivers training and supports organisations to develop both Theory of Change and Logic Models, incorporating outcome frameworks from inception. She has a keen interest in transformative impact and is trained in Social Return on Investment.

Who should attend

Team leaders and managers who wish to improve on their ability to anticipate, and respond, to personal and organisational changes.