Child and Family Worker- " Intensive Family Support"


Job Type
Dublin 10

Child and Family Worker- " Intensive Family Support"

Child and Family Worker  Intensive Family Support

FamiliBase is a centre for children, young people and families based in Dublin 10. FamiliBase has three strands of service delivery i.e. Early Years and Afterschool, Child and Family and Youth and Community. FamiliBase operates an integrated model of practice. Programme delivery in FamiliBase occurs at different levels i.e. from universal level to intensive wrap around for those with multiple or more complex needs. FamiliBase could be described as a ‘one stop shop’ of supports for children, young people and families. 

Job Description 

  • Work with a caseload of families impacted by Hidden Harm. 
  • Carry out a strength and needs assessment of each family and implement a care plan in collaboration with the family and external stakeholders. 
  • Provide a wraparound of supports to the families on your case load to include home visiting, assertive outreach and one to one work with children and young people.
  • Facilitate Evidence Based Parenting Programmes and Attachment and Resilience Programmes for children and young people in line with annual service delivery plan. 
Application Details

Application is by way of CV and a Cover Letter.  Please return your CV and a cover letter to . Shortlisting will apply.  Please note only candidates shortlisted for interview will be contacted. For informal enquiries, please contact Shaunie Kelly at