Invitation for Audit Tender


Job Type
Community Response
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Invitation for Audit Tender

Community Response is inviting tenders for our annual audit. The successful party will carry out the audit for an initial four-year period - from 2024

Community Response wishes to appoint auditors for the coming years and invites interested parties to tender for its statutory audit.

Work to be carried out by Auditors contracted to conduct the Annual Financial Audit to include:

  • The Audit of the Directors (Trustees) Report and Financial Statements in accordance with Charities SORP requirements, Company and Charity Law, Current Accounting and Auditing Standards, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Circulars, the HSE and other funder requirements
  • Preparation of Independent Audit Report
  • Preparation of the Financial Statements i.e. balance sheet and profit and loss. 
  • The Auditors will be expected to present their Audit Report and Management Letter to the Finance and Risk Sub-committee 
  • Filing of B10 and B1 CRO returns
  • The Auditors will be expected to report to statutory funders if and when required.
  • The Auditors will be expected to make themselves available to the staff, management and/or Directors of Community Response for advice and information from time to time.
  • The Auditors should ideally have expertise and experience in auditing and providing professional advice to the non-profit/charities sector.
  • The Auditors should be familiar with the tax implications of being a registered charity and be able to give advice on them.
  • Completion of any additional financial reports as required by funders e.g. AMFR
Application Details

Should you require further information to complete your application, please email Emma Beatty at 

Please submit your final proposal electronically to the above email address no later than July 31st 2024.