Invitation to Tender Feasibility Study Community Coffee Shop Rowlagh Village, North Clondalkin


Job Type
South Dublin County Partnership
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Invitation to Tender Feasibility Study Community Coffee Shop Rowlagh Village, North Clondalkin

South Dublin County Partnership is hiring for the position of Invitation to Tender Feasibility Study Community Coffee Shop.


South Dublin County Partnership works with people who are socially excluded or are at risk of becoming so and promotes social cohesion and labor market participation with a focus on the most disadvantaged areas. This is achieved through a range of integrated activities in Education, Training, Job Placement, Early Childhood Services, Enterprise Support and Community Development Programmes. South Dublin County Partnership is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applicants from a diversity of backgrounds. 


Social Enterprise in Ireland 

Social Enterprises are businesses whose core objective is to achieve a social, societal, or environmental impact. They trade on an ongoing basis in goods or services which support disadvantaged groups, or address wider societal issues such as food poverty, social housing, or environmental matters. Profits are reinvested to maximize the impact. This is what distinguishes social enterprises from commercial business. 

By “Social Enterprise” we mean a business that, rather than maximizing profit for its owners or shareholders, is an enterprise whose primary objective is to achieve ‘profit for purpose’ and a social, economic, or environmental impact. A social enterprise pursues its objectives by trading on an ongoing basis through the provision of goods and/or services, and by reinvesting any surpluses into achieving its objectives. It is independent of the public sector and if dissolved, it should transfer its assets to another organisation with a similar mission.    National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2024-2027   Public Consultation Document

Benefits of a Community Coffee Shop 

Community Coffee Shops are a great example of a vibrant Social Enterprises in Ireland. They can provide jobs to those who may have otherwise have difficulty gaining employment. The community coffee shops/cafes are central to the life of the local communities they serve. They provide a meeting point, a democratic space and can often be the conduit through which a range of services are accessed. Any profits they generate enables enhanced services to the communities they support.

Feasibility Study

SDC Partnership would like to commission an individual/company to conduct a feasibility study to identify potential for a Community Coffee Shop in Rowlagh Village, North Clondalkin which would be easily accessible for the community and centrally located close to existing facilities and services.

Objectives of the Research

A written feasibility report will be provided addressing the following objectives: 

  • Provide SDC Partnership with firm evidence of need and the potential for the development of a Social Enterprise Community Coffee shop for Rowlagh Village, North Clondalkin. 
  • Identify the key players needed to be engaged in the establishment of a steering group to oversee the development of such a project.
  • Identify potential location/s for the proposed Social Enterprise Community Coffee Shop and requisite number of staff and their skills levels needed to resource such a project in the initial start-up phase.
  • Highlight any compliance or regulatory requirements to consider. 
  • Identify potential sources of funding and any risks associated with the project. 
  • Estimate costs for the establishment of proposed service. 
  • Make recommendations on the key actions which will need to be undertaken in the first 6 months of the project.


The researcher will engage secondary research methodology to gather key data/case studies which will underpin and inform the feasibility study.  In addition, they will consult through short 1-1 interviews with a sample of local stakeholders to gather feedback for the proposed concept.


Submissions shall comprise:

  • Proposed methodology, outlining intended approach to delivering the required elements of the study (including specific steps and timescale)
  • The name, relevant experience, qualification, and proposed role of any individual to be involved in completing the feasibility study.
  • The proposed service fee, providing a clear breakdown of:
    • The daily payment rate and proposed number of days required by each individual involved in undertaking the study and 
      • A detailed breakdown of any additional costs
      • A current tax clearance number
      • Details of references for 2 similar projects successfully completed by the bidder. 

Clarifications: If clarification is sought in relation to this tender specification, please email, before 5pm on Thursday, 29th August. 

Required timeline:  It is expected the research will be completed by 30 November 2024. 

Budget: €400 to €450 per day inclusive of all costs, including VAT, is available for this project, maximum number of days anticipated circa 10 to 12. 

Application Details


All tenders are to be submitted in hard copy (two copies required) in sealed envelopes marked clearly ‘Tender conduct feasibility study on Community Coffee Shop Ref. 153/2024” by email to:– subject box to be marked, Community Coffee Shop Feasibility Study Ref. 153/2024. 

Closing date for receipt of applications is no later than Friday, 6th September 2024 at 5.00pm

Late submissions will not be accepted.

South Dublin County Partnership is an Equal Opportunity Employer