Beyond Non-Violent Communication. Successful communication without any violence, in ….. or out!

Posted on 28 Jun 2021

Free Zoom Webinar Thursday, 8 July 7pm – 8.30pm.

Here is what is possibly a controversial question.  Is Non-Violent Communication a bit like decaffeinated coffee which is coffee with the caffeine taken out?  (Mine’s a flat white in case you’re buying! 😊)

Here is another question: Who doesn’t not want to be happy and valued?

And another: By trying to not be or do something are we in fact in danger of suppressing certain feelings and emotions rather than finding positive, creative and constructive ways of dealing with issues, needs and conflict?

Gandhi is famous for leading Non-Violent protests against British rule in India. Yet he himself disliked the term Non-Violence as it conjured up an image of not being in a negative, reactive, anti-something process, rather than engaged in a simple act of positive change. He tried to find a word to capture such a state and mindset beyond the word Ahimsa (the absence of violence), but couldn’t find one, so he made one up!  Satyagraha literally means “truth force or energy”. Sadly, it didn’t really catch on because the world would probably be a better place if it had!

In this free Zoom Webinar we shall therefore be looking at some simple and practical ways and means to engage in creative, positive and constructive communication where the energy of the truth is used to set each other and the future free in whatever situation we may find ourselves to be in.

Facilitator: Tony Kearney

Tony grew up in New Zealand where he trained as a solicitor. He then worked as a solicitor in London for over 20 years before moving to Ireland in 2006 to further his work around building sustainable relations into the future. This includes planting a forest on the farm where he now lives and acting as a Mediator in workplace, community, schools, family, and commercial disputes. Tony is also a skilled facilitator and trainer and runs many training and other events and is the author of five books. 

It is not necessary to have attended any of the previous Webinars to join the process as they are all designed as stand-alone events.

To register for this Webinar or find out more email Tony at: