Spring Webinar: Women and Girls - The Impact of Corporate Irresponsibility, 23 Mar

Posted on 9 Mar 2023

Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network Ireland invites you to our Spring Webinar: Women and Girls - The Impact of Corporate Irresponsibility

23 March at 19:00 Irish Time via Zoom. Register HERE 

To mark International Women’s Day this March, AEFJN Ireland invites you to join us in exploring how women and girls' human rights are undermined by corporate activities in Africa and elsewhere. We will hear from speakers from Africa and Ireland, and consider how we can take action to amplify women’s voices in holding corporations accountable.

To learn more and to REGISTER click HERE 


  • Sr Veronica Onyeanisi OLA is a representative of AEFJN Nigeria and a member of the Our Land is Our Life Platform focused on protecting land-rights and challenging corporate land grabs
  • Sr Winifred Doherty RGS is an NGO representative to the UN for the Good Shepherd Sisters and has been working with sisters in the DRC to challenge human rights abuses in cobalt mining.
  • Gráinne Kilcullen is head of programmes at Action Aid Ireland, an NGO that works with women and girls living in poverty as they take the lead in claiming their human rights.


Thursday, 23 March 2023. 7 – 9pm (Irish time) via Zoom.

To attend please register HERE 

We invite you to share this invitation with others in your network.

AEFJN Ireland

Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network poster